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City of Dublin Wins Ohio EPA Gold Level E3C Award

The City of Dublin is honored to have received the Ohio EPA Gold Level Encouraging Environmental Excellence in Communities (E3C) award. This award recognizes communities with exceptional achievements in environmental stewardship. The City of Dublin aspires to be the most sustainable global city of choice. After receiving a silver-level E3C award in 2021, achieving the […]

Dublin Earns 3 Awards for Government Communication Excellence

The City of Dublin’s Communications & Public Information team is honored to have received three City-County Communications & Marketing Association (3CMA) awards from the group’s national conference in Orlando, Florida. Out of more than 875 entries across 38 categories, Dublin earned a first-place Savvy award and two second-place Silver Circle awards at the 2023 Savvy […]

Dublin Community Recreation Center Introduces Respawn: Esports Lounge and Programming

Calling all gamers, the Dublin Community Recreation Center is excited to introduce its esports programming! As the first open-use esports center in Dublin, the new Respawn lounge will be a place for drop-in play, tournaments and STEAM learning. The mission of this initiative is to provide new collaborative programs and services for growth, beginning with STEAM […]

The Abbey Theater of Dublin Sheds Light on Student Writers at the Otterbein Playwrights Collective

The Abbey Theater of Dublin will produce two scripts written by Otterbein University students for the theater’s third annual Otterbein Playwrights Collective. Performances will be held in person on June 30-July 1 at 7 p.m. and July 2 at 2 p.m. This is the third annual summer collaboration between Otterbein and the Abbey Theater. This year’s collective […]