Improvements are scheduled for the Bright Road corridor and the Bright Road/Sawmill Road intersection to prepare for increased traffic and improve access to the future Mount Carmel Dublin. A roundabout will be constructed on Emerald Parkway at the hospital’s entrance near Bright Road.
Work Status:
- Construction of a new roundabout on Emerald Parkway south of Bright Road
- Reconstruction/widening of the Bright Road corridor between Emerald Parkway and Sawmill, along with a new turn lane on Sawmill Road
Traffic Impact:
- The Emerald Parkway Roundabout is fully open to traffic in all lanes and directions.
- Night work for the storm infrastructure continues this week. There will be a lane closure of the westernmost southbound lane of Sawmill Road, with the taper beginning south of the Life Time Fitness entrance and ending at the intersection of Sawmill Road and Bright Road. Detours will be marked and are outlined here.
- Weather permitting, the traffic pattern on Bright Road, between Sawmill Road and Emerald Parkway, will change Friday, Jan. 17, to give eastbound drivers a dedicated right turn lane to go south on Sawmill Road, while maintaining a separate through/left turn lane. Westbound drivers will use the newly paved section on the north side of Bright Road that will transition to two lanes at the first median, approximately 250 feet west of the Bright Road and Sawmill Road intersection. Signage will be installed to direct drivers and the signal heads for the eastbound drivers will be adjusted to align with the new lanes.
Completion Date:
Fall 2025