Monday, November 4, 2019 – 7 p.m.
Council Chambers – City Hall, 5200 Emerald Parkway
- Veterans Day – Retired Lt. Col. Jeffrey Noble
- Approval of Minutes of October 7, 2019 Regular Meeting
- Approval of Minutes of October 21, 2019 Regular Meeting
Ordinance 53-19
Rezoning Approximately 33.9-Acres South of U.S. 33, East of Eiterman Road and North of Shier Rings Road from ID-1, Research/Office District to PUD, Planned Unit Development District (The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center) for the Construction of up to 550,000 Square Feet of Ambulatory Medical Care, Medical and Office Uses as well as a Potential Future Hospital in Two Phases. (Case 19-055 OSU Medical Campus)
Ordinance 54-19
Authorizing the City Manager to Execute and Accept Necessary Conveyance Documents and Contracts to Acquire a 0.041-Acre Fee Simple Warranty Deed for Right-of-Way, Without Limitation of Existing Access Rights and a 0.075-Acre Standard Highway Easement from A.V. Tedeschi and J.C. Tedeschi, located at 5491 Cara Court, for the Public Purpose of Constructing a New Roadway Which Shall be Open to the Public Without Charge.
Ordinance 55-19
Authorizing the City Manager to Execute and Accept Necessary Conveyance Documents and Contracts to Acquire a 0.110-Acre Fee Simple Warranty Deed for Right-of-Way, Without Limitation of Existing Access Rights; a 0.040-Acre Temporary Construction Easement; and a Second 0.010-Acre Temporary Construction Easement from Vineyard Christian Fellowship at Tuttle Crossing, Located at 5400 Avery Road, for the Public Purpose of Constructing a New Roadway Which Shall be Open to the Public Without Charge.
Ordinance 56-19
Authorizing the City Manager to Execute and Accept Necessary Conveyance Documents and Contracts to Acquire a 0.041-Acre Standard Highway Easement from Brian Rightler and Erica Rightler, Trustees of the Cara Road Trust Agreement Dated June 22, 2018, Located at 6129 Cara Road, for the Public Purpose of Constructing a New Roadway Which Shall be Open to the Public Without Charge.
Ordinance 57-19
Authorizing the Provision of Certain Incentives to Hagerty Insurance Agency, LLC to Induce it to Lease a Facility to Locate an Office and Its Associated Operations and Workforce, All Within the City; and Authorizing the Execution of an Economic Development Agreement.
Ordinance 58-19
Determining to Proceed with the Acquisition, Construction, and Improvement of Certain Public Improvements in the City of Dublin, Ohio in Cooperation with the Columbus Regional Energy Special Improvement District. (525 Metro Place North, Dublin, Ohio Project)
Ordinance 59-19
Levying Special Assessments for the Purpose of Acquiring, Constructing, and Improving Certain Public Improvements in the City of Dublin, Ohio in Cooperation with the Columbus Regional Energy Special Improvement District. (525 Metro Place North, Dublin, Ohio Project)
Ordinance 60-19
Authorizing and Approving an Energy Project Cooperative Agreement by and Between the City of Dublin, Ohio, the Columbus Regional Energy Special Improvement District, Inc., OH15 Dublin LLC, Viaquest, Inc., and The Columbus-Franklin County Finance Authority, a Special Assessment Agreement by and Between the City of Dublin, Ohio, the County Treasurer of Franklin County, Ohio, the Columbus Regional Energy Special Improvement District, Inc., 525 Metro Place North LLC, Viaquest, Inc., and The Columbus-Franklin County Finance Authority, and Related Agreements, All of Which Provide for the Financing of Special Energy Improvements Projects. (525 Metro Place North, Dublin, Ohio Project)
Ordinance 61-19
Authorizing the Provision of Certain Incentives to Avery Surgery Center, LLC to Induce it to Lease a Facility to Locate an Office and its Associated Operations and Workforce, All Within the City; and Authorizing the Execution of an Economic Development Agreement.
Ordinance 62-19
Authorizing the City Manager to Execute Necessary Conveyance Documents and to Accept Conveyance of a 0.072-Acre Fee Simple Warranty Deed for Right-of-Way, Without Limitation of Existing Access Rights from CBJ on High, LLC, from the Property Located at 158 S. High Street. (Second reading/public hearing November 18 Council meeting)
Ordinance 63-19
Amending Chapter 35 of the Codified Ordinances to Revise the Fee and Service Charge Revenue/Cost Comparison System and Establishing a Schedule of Fees and Service Charges for City of Dublin Services. (Second reading/public hearing November 18 Council meeting)
Ordinance 64-19
Adopting the Annual Operating Budget for the Fiscal Year Ending December 31, 2020.
(Second reading/public hearing November 18 Council meeting)
Ordinance 65-19
Amending Various Sections of Ordinance 15-17 (Compensation Plan for Non-Union Personnel). (Second reading/public hearing November 18 Council meeting)
Ordinance 66-19
Authorizing the Provision of Certain Incentives to RenaissanceTech, LLC to Induce it to Purchase a Facility to Retain and Expand its Corporate Headquarters and Its Associated Operations and Workforce, All Within the City, and Authorizing the Execution of an Economic Development Agreement. (Second reading/public hearing November 18 Council meeting)
Resolution 59-19
Approving and Accepting the Plat for University Boulevard Phase 2 Right-of-Way Dedication and Subdivision with a Variance to Lot Size.
Resolution 60-19
Establishing a Dublin Veterans Committee.