Dublin City Council has approved an Economic Incentive Agreement with the owners of COhatch, a space-sharing community town hall concept that mixes business and social enterprise. COhatch has various locations across central Ohio that offer opportunities for co-working, meetings, entertainment and makers spaces for start-ups, businesses and non-profits.
Under the agreement, COhatch owners will purchase the building located at 56 North High Street. The company selected this site due to a number of reasons, including its location within Historic Dublin, the future pedestrian bridge and Riverside Crossing Park and the fact that the building itself is a historic building.
“COhatch specializes in rehabbing historic buildings in town centers to bring new life and energy into a community,” says Economic Development Administrator Kyle Kridler. “The company is also dedicated to supporting local charities and entrepreneurs.”
“This will be a great new amenity for Historic Dublin,” says Economic Development Director Colleen Gilger. “We are investing in innovation. The COhatch concept really addresses some gaps in the market, providing a launch pad for homegrown retailers and start-ups within the community.”
The agreement approved by Council on May 6 is a five-year incentive package. The City commits to invest a total of $700,000 in exchange for the company meeting annual milestones, including a private investment of at least $3 million by the end of 2023.
You can read more about the partnership terms in this memo – https://dublinohiousa.gov/dev/dev/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/Ordinance-22-19-1.pdf
Media Contacts
Lindsay Weisenauer, Public Affairs Officer
City of Dublin
614.704.9742 – Cell