(Dublin, OH) Join the fun by shining a light on the darkest, shortest day of the year, Monday, Dec. 21. Dublin residents, corporate residents and organizations are invited to light luminaries outside their homes and businesses beginning at 5 p.m. Then, walk or drive around to see Dublin shine with the spirit of the season. Don’t forget to swing by Coffman Park to see Dublin’s 30-foot tree and light display.
Participants are invited to make this a family-fun activity by using one of the numerous resources online to make their own luminaries. For the traditional luminary, all you will need is a paper bag, some sand and a votive candle (or for a safer option, use a flameless LED votive candle or solar-powered light). Other options include making a luminary out of a mason jar and gluing tissue paper to the outside (be sure to leave the lid off) or using an empty tin can and punching holes on the sides.
To make this a safe and fun event for all, please follow these safety tips:
- If you are using a bag, be sure to fold it at the top
- Add a couple cups of sand to the base of the luminary container of your choosing
- Use an LED light votive candle or solar-powered light instead of a flame candle
- Place the bags on even ground
- Leave space between the bag and its surroundings and do not place the luminary directly under trees, buildings, etc.
From Dublin, Ohio to Dublin, Ireland, the Winter Solstice has a long history with many fascinating traditions. According to Celtic myth, the solstice marked a great battle each year between the Oak King who represented the light, and the Holly King who represented the dark. Each year the Oak King would finish victorious at the winter solstice, and daylight would slowly return to the island, until it was time to do battle again at the Summer Solstice.
Residents are encouraged to share photos of the luminaries they make or see using #SoDublin on social media. For more Holiday Happenings taking place in Dublin, visit https://dublinohiousa.gov/holiday-happenings-in-dublin.
Media Contact:
Shirley Blaine
Public Information Officer
614.230.4683 – Cell
614.410.4523 – Desk
Newsroom: http://dublinohiousa.gov/newsroom/