(Dublin, Ohio) – Construction of the new Holder-Wright Park begins January 2018 at the northeast corner of Emerald Parkway and Riverside Drive. No disruptions of traffic are expected until late spring or early summer.
By Fall 2018, this phase of construction will include:
- Road Extension (from Emerald Parkway)
- Emerald Parkway Turn-Lane Addition
- New Parking Lot (on road extension)
- New Restroom Facility with iconic Hopewell/Adena Culture symbol
- Pedestrian Bridge over waterway dividing north and south sections of the park
- Earth Mounds with Landscape Plantings
- Informational Signage
Improving and preserving historic sites and adding passive parkland to the City of Dublin is an investment in quality of life, and provides educational opportunities for residents.
About Holder-Wright Park
Located at the northeast corner of Emerald Parkway and Riverside Drive, Holder-Wright Park will preserve and showcase the ancient earthworks, farm house and natural features of the space that are a significant part of Dublin’s history. Current projects include construction of a restroom facility, parking lot, entry drive, utility extension, small pedestrian access bridge over Wright Creek, and paths to begin later this year. For more information visit http://dublinohiousa.gov/holder-wright-park
Media Contact:
Sarah McQuaide, Public Information Officer
614.410.4523 – Desk
614.593.9438 – Cell
Newsroom: http://dublinohiousa.gov/newsroom/