Code Amendments
- The parcels that contain the development of Bridge Park West Buildings Z1 and Z2, West Plaza, CML Dublin Branch and Downtown Dublin Parking will be rezoned from Bridge Street District – Historic Transition (BSD-HT) to Bridge Street District – Scioto River Neighborhood (BSD-SRN).
- Zoning districts for HD-Historic Residential, HD-Historic Core and HD-Historic Transition are proposed to be created, building upon the existing BSD districts (which had previously incorporated zoning standards from the pre-BSD historic zoning districts). This will protect existing property owners by retaining their existing use and general development standards. However, these new districts will contain certain restrictions as directed by Council (e.g. height limitations) and will rely heavily on the revised Historic Design Guidelines to ensure compatibility with the surrounding character and design standards within the Historic District.
- The Dublin City Schools property, Dublin Cemetery, Indian Run greenway, Indian Run Cemetery, Riverside Crossing Park West, Dublin Spring Park, and the Karrer Barn property are proposed to be included in a new HD-Public District.
- An updated zoning map has been created for review and an area rezoning of the properties will be forwarded with the Zoning Code amendment to align with the new zoning districts.
- The existing Architectural Review Board section of the Zoning Code has been updated to reflect these changes, as well as approval process changes and updates to the demolition section.
- The proposed Code amendments also recommend the renaming of the Architectural Review Board to recognize the significance of the Historic District, the City’s desire for preservation, and the potential expansion of districts and historic properties/structures that would fall within its jurisdiction (separate from Historic Dublin). This proposal does not require a Charter amendment.
- Minor updates will also be made to Appendix G to reflect current conditions and to add city-owned historic properties.
Historic Dublin Boundary Modifications
- The parcels that contain the development of Bridge Park West Buildings Z1 and Z2, West Plaza, CML Dublin Branch and Downtown Dublin Parking Garage will be removed from the Historic District and remain with the Bridge Street District. The proposed Historic District boundary has been modified to reflect this proposed change.
- The eastern boundary of the Historic District will be moved to the west side of the Scioto River, with the exception of the Scioto River Bridge, which would remain under the Architectural Review Board’s purview.
- The western boundary of the Historic District, north of West Bridge Street was requested to be moved to align with the school property lines. The intent is for the 1919 Building and the Indian Run Cemetery to remain under the ARB’s purview.
- City Council has also discussed the addition of city-owned historic properties to Appendix G.