In March 2016, Hardlines Design Company (HDC) was awarded the contract to complete a historic and cultural assessment of the built resources, landscape features, and archaeological sites within the entire Dublin Planning Area, and complete a study of preservation strategies appropriate to Dublin. The Dublin Planning Area covers 34 square miles, and encompasses the City of Dublin, and portions of Washington and Perry Townships in Franklin County; Jerome Township, Union County; and Concord Township, Delaware County, Ohio. The objective of this project is to provide resources to city planners that will assist them to better make decisions about future activities while protecting as many of the character defining features that make Dublin and the surrounding planning area a distinctive part of the greater Columbus area.
After completing archival research, field investigations buildings and structures, the investigation of the historical and cultural resources revealed the following:
- 23 buildings within the Planning Area are recommended individually eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP);
- 17 buildings within the Planning Area may be individually eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places, but require additional research;
- One historic district within the Planning Area is recommended eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places, pending additional research;
- Two new historic districts within the Planning Area are recommended eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places;
- The Dublin High Street Historic District should have its boundary increased and the period of significance extended;
- Six other resources, or groups of resources, within the Planning Area are recommended as contributing to Dublin’s unique character and sense of place;
- Verification of seven cemeteries and two markers within the Planning Area;
- Verification of the location of one historic limestone quarry along with the probable verification of the remnants of one historic mill; and
- Two the significant prehistoric archaeological sites that are worthy of preservation and study are the NRHP-listed Wright Holder Earthworks and associated sites, owned by the City of Dublin, and the privately-owned Davis Mound located just outside the Dublin Planning Area (OAI# 33FR2386, located on east side of Riverside Drive, south of Martin), which may be at risk of erosion
After investigating the existing mechanisms for considering and preserving historical and cultural resources in Dublin that are embodied by existing planning and zoning policies, a diverse group of stakeholders was engaged to gather additional input on preservation strategies appropriate to Dublin. Eleven of 17 stakeholders identified by the City responded to requests for input on the preservation strategies study. The responses were clustered into two thematic categories: perceived advantages of having the historic district and perceived threats to the historic district. Stakeholders also provided suggestions for how they believed the planning and review processes could be amended to better protect the historic district, enhance the perceived highlights of the historic district, and make the review process more easily managed for individual homeowners.
Finally, in addition to inventorying the historical and cultural resources of Dublin and investigating preservation strategies, this study has allowed recommendations to be made for enhancing the long-term preservation of Dublin’s resources and for future planning activities that would provide greater consideration for Dublin’s historic and cultural resources.
Historical Cultural Assessment | Executive Summary
- Appendix A. Individual Property Sheets for Surveyed Properties
- Appendix B. Table of Properties with Ohio Historic Inventory Forms (OHIs) on File at the OHPO
- Appendix C. Table of Resources within the Dublin High Street Historic District, Boundary Increase
- Appendix D. Summary Table of GIS Fields and Codes for Surveyed Buildings
- Appendix E. Summary Table of Surveyed Stone Walls within the Dublin Planning Area
- Appendix F. Individual Data Sheets for Surveyed Stone Walls
- Appendix G. Table of Previously Recorded Archaeology Sites within the Dublin Planning Area
- Appendix H. The Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for Rehabilitation Explained