The City of Dublin will be hosting a public meeting on from 6 to 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday May 14, 2019 at the Chamber of Commerce, 129 S. High Street. The purpose of the meeting is to share the comments that were gathered during our stakeholder meetings and allow the public to provide any remaining comments. We welcome your participation in this meeting.
The City of Dublin is providing a unique opportunity for the local residents, business owners, and local community leaders to provide comments on the future redevelopment of key property located immediately west of the Historic District. The site is an approximately six acres in size and is located on the south side of Bridge Street, both east and west of Monterey Drive. In Fall 2018, the City of Dublin worked with a private consultant, Greg Dale of McBride Dale Clarion, to meet with adjacent neighbors and interested parties to discuss potential uses, site layout and preferred design options (setbacks, height, landscaping, etc) on how this site may potentially redevelop.
Our consultant conducted several one-on-one interviews, as well as groups interviews with residents, developers and business owners to discuss preferences for the site. This is the first opportunity of this kind to encourage resident and community leader to provide feedback before a development proposal is submitted for a site. This allows residents to comment on all aspects of the design of the site and focus on the elements that are important to their quality of life as an adjacent property owner. It also allows the City to provide valuable feedback to potential developers of the site, prior to making decisions and/or commitments to the use or design for the site.