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City of Dublin, altafiber Announce Accelerated Timeline to Complete Fiber Build to Most Single-Family Homes in 2025

(Dublin, Ohio) — The City of Dublin and altafiber are excited to announce that the majority of single-family home addresses will have access to altafiber’s cutting-edge multi-gig XGS-PON fiber network by the end of 2025, marking a significant milestone in the partnership.

Once this phase of the project is complete, more than 15,000 single-family home addresses in the City of Dublin will have access to fast, reliable broadband connectivity that is essential to fully leverage employment, education, and healthcare opportunities in the modern economy. altafiber will also continue expanding fiber access to multi-dwelling units (apartments, condominiums, townhouses) and business addresses, ensuring broader connectivity across the community.

City of Dublin residents who do not currently have access to altafiber’s network can learn more and provide contact information via this web site  to ensure they are notified when their address is fiber eligible.

The City of Dublin announced the partnership with altafiber in 2023 to provide residents with improved access to higher internet speeds, reliable connectivity and more competition. The fiber build to single-family home addresses was initially expected to be complete in Summer of 2026; however, thanks to the strong collaboration between altafiber and the City, the timeline has been accelerated.

Dublin will be the first completed fiber high-speed broadband service area of comparable size in the central Ohio region. This undertaking, coupled with Dublink, the 100-Gig Fiber Optic Network available to Dublin businesses, will make Dublin the most connected City in the United States.

“High-speed internet is no longer a luxury—it’s essential for work, education, healthcare and daily life. Thanks to our strong partnership with altafiber, the Fiber to Every Home initiative is delivering the speed, capacity and reliability our residents and businesses need to stay competitive and connected now and in the future,” said Megan O’Callaghan, Dublin City Manager. “By accelerating this project, we’re driving innovation, expanding economic opportunities and improving quality of life across Dublin.”

Jason Praeter, President – Consumer & Small Business for altafiber, said the company’s relationship with the City of Dublin is a textbook example of how public-private partnerships can work to support geographies that lack competitive broadband connectivity.

“Thanks to the City of Dublin’s leadership and vision, this community will have access to a future-proof gigabit Internet network for hybrid work, virtual learning, telemedicine and many other essential daily activities,” Praeter said. “Ubiquitous gigabit connectivity is also a critical part of economic development efforts focused on business retention and attraction. We look forward to working with the City of Dublin and its residents and businesses for many years to come.”

As the leading supplier of fiber-based services in Greater Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky, altafiber has invested $2 billion into its fiber network to date. altafiber’s network spans more than 16,000 route miles in the Midwest, including Greater Cincinnati, where the company offers fiber-based services to nearly 100 percent of business and single-family home addresses.

About altafiber

Cincinnati Bell is now doing business as “altafiber” in Ohio, Kentucky, and Indiana. The Company delivers integrated communications solutions to residential and business customers over its fiber-optic network including high-speed internet, video, voice and data. The Company also provides service in Hawai’i under the brand Hawaiian Telcom. In total, altafiber can deliver gigabit Internet to more than 1 million addresses in the territories it serves.  For more information, please visit The information on the Company’s website is not incorporated by reference in this press release.


Media Contact:
Josh Pichler

Lindsay Weisenauer
Chief Communications & Public Relations Officer


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