City offering Bluebird Box Maintenance educational session
Volunteer Training Information
Who doesn’t get a thrill out of seeing a blue sky and hearing the song of birds? Eastern Bluebirds are a combination of the color of sky and happiness and the beautiful blue of their feathers lightens the hearts of our residents. We have created a volunteer program to ensure continued success of this bird.
The purpose of this volunteer group is to create a core network of trained volunteers to maintain bluebird boxes in our parks. Bluebirds are secondary cavity nesters, meaning they need a tree or other type of cavity to nest in but cannot build it themselves. They typically rely on woodpecker cavities or human structures such as bird boxes.
By establishing bluebird trails, small groups of boxes, throughout Dublin we can insure healthy populations of bluebirds for generations to come.
Discover the Bluebird Boxes
Submit your Birdbox Observations