Case 20-190 – Non-Use (Area) Variance – 7023 Greenland Place
A Variance to the Oak Park Development Text – Subarea A: “Park Homes” (III)(C) to allow an at-grade patio to encroach 5.5 feet into the rear yard setback for patios. The site is east of Greenland Place, approximately 100 feet south of the intersection with Primrose Court and is zoned Planned Unit Development District – Oak Park. Request for review and approval of a Non-Use (Area) Variance under the provisions of Zoning Code Section 153.231(H).
Applicant: Rosemarie Deschler, Property Owner
Planner: Zach Hounshell, Planner I | (614) 410-4652,
Board of Zoning Appeals – November 19, 2020
Planning Report | Variance Statement | Drawings | Materials