Monday, August 13, 2018 – 6:30 p.m.
Council Chambers – City Hall, 5200 Emerald Parkway
- To consider the purchase of property for public purposes
- Government Financial Officers Association – Distinguished Budget Presentation Award – presented by Randy Bartels of GFOA
- Reilly Hickey, Dublin Scioto High School graduate 2015 – Tony Award winner
- Roger Rabold, Dublin Scioto High School – Ohio’s Science Teacher of the Year
- Joe Fox, Director, Miracle League
- Approval of June 25, 2018 Regular Council Meeting Minutes
- Approval of June 27, 2018 Special Meeting Minutes
- Approval of July 2, 2018 Regular Council Meeting Minutes
Ordinance 46-18
Amending the City of Dublin Community Plan to add a Special Area Plan (Dublin Corporate Area Plan) for the Legacy Office Area Including the Metro, Blazer and Emerald Districts, Covering Approximately 987 Acres bordered by West Bridge Street to the north, Emerald Parkway to the west, Frantz Road to the east and Tuttle Crossing Boulevard to the south. (Case 17-093ADM) (Second reading/public hearing August 27 Council meeting)
Ordinance 47-18
Adopting the 2019-2023 Five-Year Capital Improvements Program. (Second reading/public hearing September 10 Council meeting; CIP workshops on Wed., August 15; Mon., August 20; and Wed., August 29)
Ordinance 48-18
Authorizing the Provision of Certain Incentives to LSP Technologies, Inc. to Induce it to Lease a Facility to Retain and Expand an Office and its Associated Operations and Workforce, all within the City; and Authorizing the Execution of an Economic Development Agreement. (Second reading/public hearing August 27 Council meeting)
Ordinance 49-18
Determining to Proceed with the Acquisition, Construction, and Improvement of Certain Public Improvements in the City of Dublin, Ohio in Cooperation with the Columbus Regional Energy Special Improvement District, and Declaring an Emergency. (4860-5000 Blazer Parkway) (Second reading/public hearing August 27 Council meeting)
Ordinance 50-18
Levying Special Assessments for the Purpose of Acquiring, Constructing, and Improving Certain Public Improvements in the City of Dublin, Ohio in Cooperation with the Columbus Regional Energy Special Improvement District, and Declaring an Emergency. (4860-5000 Blazer Parkway) (Second reading/public hearing August 27 Council meeting)
Ordinance 51-18
Authorizing and Approving an Energy Project Cooperative Agreement by and between the City of Dublin, Ohio, the Columbus Regional Energy Special Improvement District, Omni Blazer, LLC, and the Columbus-Franklin County Finance; a Special Assessment Agreement by and between the City of Dublin, Ohio, the County Treasurer of Franklin County, Ohio, the Columbus Regional Energy Special Improvement District, and Omni Blazer, LLC and Related Agreements, All of Which Provide for the Financing of Special Energy Improvements Projects, and Declaring an Emergency. (4860-5000 Blazer Parkway) (Second reading/public hearing August 27 Council meeting)
Resolution 36-18
A Resolution Approving the Petition for Special Assessments for Special Energy Improvement Projects Under Ohio Revised Code Chapter 1710. (525 Metro Place North Project)
Resolution 37-18
A Resolution Approving the Necessity of Acquiring, Constructing, and Improving Certain Public Improvements in the City of Dublin, Ohio in Cooperation with the Columbus Regional Energy Special Improvement District. (525 Metro Place North Project)
Resolution 41-18
Adopting a Statement of Services for a Proposed Annexation of 1.29 Acres, More or Less, from Jerome Township, Union County to the City of Dublin. (Sanjay Bhatt, Attorney/Agent for Petitioner, Darshan Shah)
Resolution 42-18
Accepting the Lowest and Best Bid for the 2018 Storm Structure Maintenance Program. (Project No. 18-019.0-CIP)
Resolution 43-18
Accepting the Lowest and Best Bid for the 2018 Pavement Repair Program.
(Project No. 18-028.0-CIP)
Resolution 44-18
Accepting the Lowest and Best Bid for the 2018 Bridge Maintenance – Ashbaugh Road. (Project No. 18-007.0-CIP)
Resolution 45-18
Accepting the Lowest and Best Bid for the Churchman Road Streetscapes Planting Project.
Resolution 46-18
Authorizing the City Manager to Execute a Service Agreement with Metro Data Center for the Expansion of Dublink Transport 100-Gigabit Program.
Resolution 47-18
Appointing Members to the Bridge Park New Community Authority.
Resolution 48-18
Authorizing the City Manager to Execute a Second Addendum for a One-Year Extension of a Lease with Chiller, LLC for 7001 Dublin Park Drive (the “Chiller”).
- West Plaza Infrastructure Agreement follow-up
- Request to Remove from Table – Resolution 40-18 (Agreement with Ohio University re. Cultural and Performing Arts Center) and schedule for hearing at August 27 Council meeting
- Request to Postpone Consideration of Development Plan/Site Plan – Riverside Crossing Park, East Plaza, Phase 1 to September 10 Council meeting