Monday, December 3, 2018 – 7 p.m.
Council Chambers – City Hall, 5200 Emerald Parkway
Ordinance 87-18
Amending the Annual Appropriations for the Fiscal Year Ending December 31, 2018.
Ordinance 88-18
Establishing Appropriations Based on the 2019 Operating Budget of the City of Dublin.
Ordinance 89-18
Rezoning Approximately 8.68 Acres Southwest of Jerome Road, Approximately 1,000 Feet South of the Intersection with McKitrick Road from R, Rural District to PUD, Planned Unit Development District (The Hamlet on Jerome) for 18 Single-family Lots and 2.08 Acres of Open Space and a Preliminary Plat in Accordance with the Subdivision Regulations (Case 18-030CP/Z/PDP/PP) (Second reading/public hearing January 8, 2019 Council meeting)
Ordinance 90-18
Authorizing the City Manager to Execute and Accept Necessary Conveyance Documents and Contracts to Acquire A 0.306-Acre Fee Simple Warranty Deed for Right-of-Way, Without Limitation of Existing Access Rights; A 0.025 – Acre Standard Highway Easement from Emmanuel Sanchez-Carballo and Yuko Sanchez, Located at 6169 Cara Road, for the Public Purpose of Constructing a New Roadway Which Shall be Open to the Public Without Charge. (Second reading/public hearing January 8, 2019 Council meeting)
Ordinance 91-18
Authorizing the City Manager to Execute and Accept Necessary Conveyance Documents and Contracts to Acquire a 0.011-Acre Temporary Easement from Mary Jo Reimann, Located at 5526 Cara Court, for the Public Purpose of Constructing a New Roadway Which Shall Be Open to the Public Without Charge. (Second reading/public hearing January 8, 2019 Council meeting)
Ordinance 92-18
Authorizing the City Manager to Execute and Accept Necessary Conveyance Documents and Contracts to Acquire a 0.086-Acre Standard Highway Easement and a 0.007-Acre Temporary Construction Easement from P. Michael Houser and Judy Faye Houser, Located at 5504 Avery Road, for the Public Purpose of Constructing a New Roadway Which Shall be Open to the Public Without Charge. (Second reading/public hearing January 8, 2019 Council meeting)
Ordinance 93-18
Authorizing the City Manager to Execute and Accept Necessary Conveyance Documents and Contracts to Acquire a 0.054-Acre Fee Simple Warranty Deed for Right-of-Way, Without Limitation of Existing Access Rights and a 0.086-Acre Standard Highway Easement from Lynn M. Gray, Trustee of the Lynn M. Gray Revocable Living Trust Agreement, Located at 5544 Avery Road, for the Public Purpose of Constructing a New Roadway Which Shall be Open to the Public Without Charge. (Second reading/public hearing January 8, 2019 Council meeting)
Ordinance 94-18
Authorizing the City Manager to Execute and Accept Necessary Conveyance Documents and Contracts to Acquire the Entire Parcel from Karen M. Sharp and Michael R. Sharp, Located at 5555 Avery Road, for the Public Purpose of Constructing a New Roadway Which Shall be Open to the Public Without Charge. (Second reading/public hearing January 8, 2019 Council meeting)
Ordinance 95-18
Authorizing the City Manager to Execute and Accept Necessary Conveyance Documents and Contracts to Acquire a 0.030-Acre Standard Highway Easement from John D. Kormanik and Sharon L. Kormanik, Located at 5527 Cara Court, for the Public Purpose of Constructing a New Roadway Which Shall be Open to the Public Without Charge. (Second reading/public hearing January 8, 2019 Council meeting)
Resolution 70-18
Authorizing the City Manager to Cooperate and Enter into an Agreement with the Ohio Department of Transportation for the Resurfacing of SR-161 from just East of Riverside Drive to the Sawmill Road Intersection in Dublin (ODOT PID Number 106081).
Resolution 71-18
Authorizing the City Manager to Enter Into an Agreement with the Ohio Department of Transportation Through DriveOhio for the Connected Vehicle Roundabout Application Project (ODOT Project FRA-33-3.70 Smart Technology, PID Number 109356).
- Motion to Waive Competitive Selection Process for Appointment of Deputy Chief of Police
- Development Plan/Site Plan – Riverside Crossing Park, East Plaza, Phase 1 – (Case#17-124DP/SP)