(Dublin, OH) Results from Dublin’s latest National Citizen Survey reveal 99% of residents consider Dublin an excellent or good place to live, with Dublin ranking #7 as most desirable place to live in the National Research Center (NRC)’s database compared to communities across the country.
In a presentation to Dublin City Council members, Morgan Adams, Survey and Research Associate with NRC said, “it’s clear to me that the City of Dublin not only provides excellence in terms of quality of life aspects and service delivery, but you’re really dedicated to incorporating the voices of the residents you serve, and you continue to make the City of Dublin a world-class city.”
The survey was conducted via mail in partnership with the NRC. Questions and their administration are standardized to assure high quality research methods.
A total of 495 out of 1,500 randomly selected residents representing all four wards responded to questions across three pillars of community (Community Characteristics, Governance, and Participation) and eight facets of community (Safety, Mobility, Natural Environment, Built Environment, Economy, Recreation and Wellness, Education and Enrichment, and Community Engagement).
In the area of community characteristics Dublin ranked higher than national benchmarks in most areas. In particular respondents rated the following positively:
- Place to live (99%)
- Overall quality of life (98%)
- Overall appearance (98%)
- Place to raise children (98%)
- Overall feeling of safety (98%)
- K-12 education (97%)
- Cleanliness (97%)
- Neighborhoods (96%)
- Overall image (96%)
- Overall economic health (93%)
- Health and wellness (93%)
- Education and enrichment opportunities (93%)
- Place to work (91%)
- Paths and walking trails (91%)
- Fitness opportunities (91%)
Residents rated all aspects of local leadership and governance higher than national benchmarks, with Dublin among the highest ranked in the NRC’s database. Confidence in City government, acting in the best interest of residents, and honesty were all rated positively by 80% of residents. 94% rated City services positively, and 88% rated access to public information positively. In the area of participation, 83% rated the sense of community positively.
Additionally the City asked several “customized” questions, including a question on the Bridge Street District. In terms of their overall impressions, 87% of residents responded favorably, compared to 84% in 2015. The number of people who responded very favorable increased by 16%, indicating that people who thought they would like it (somewhat favorable) shifted their opinion to very favorable once it was built.
The survey data helps gauge residents’ perceptions of local government, and is used in guiding policy decisions to enhance and continue high-quality service delivery in Dublin.
For more information on the survey including detailed reports, visit dublinohiousa.gov/ncs.
About the National Citizen Survey
The National Citizen Survey is a collaborative effort between National Research Center and the International City/County Management Association. The survey and its administration are standardized to assure high quality research methods and directly comparative results across communities. This is the City’s fourth survey of this kind in addition to surveys conducted in 2009, 2012 and 2015.
Media Contact:
Sarah McQuaide, Public Information Officer
614.410.4523 – Desk
614.593.9438 – Cell
Newsroom: http://dublinohiousa.gov/newsroom/