If you have a wild or domestic animal question or concern, here are resources to contact in Dublin and Central Ohio.
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For questions about wildlife IN the City of Dublin, or about this list, please contact
City of Dublin Nature Education Coordinator
Barbara Ray
614.410.4730 or 614.309.6916
Animal Control – WILDLIFE
Wildlife – General Questions or Areas Not Listed Below
Barbara Ray, Nature Education Coordinator
614.410.4730 and 614.309.6816
Wildlife – Sick or injured, or wildlife that has entered the living space of a home and cannot/will not leave on its own (with open doors and windows) in the City of Dublin Only
Dublin Police Department Non-Emergency
Wildlife –Sick or Injured OUTSIDE of the City of Dublin
Contact your local Wildlife Rehabilitator
Rehabilitator Finder: http://www.owra.org/find
Local (Franklin County; Columbus and surrounding areas):
Ohio Wildlife Center 614.793.WILD
Local (Union County; Marysville, Bellefontaine, Marion etc.):
Crows Hollow Wildlife Care 614.535.6441
For sick or injured animals posing a public risk or a dangerous animal in distress (animal on road, aggressive, deer etc), call your county sheriff office or other local law enforcement or State Wildlife Officer.
Wildlife – Dead Animals
Dead Wildlife Service Request Form
The City of Dublin picks up dead animals from city/public property WITHIN the City of Dublin limits
Animals found on private property MAY be picked up if you double bag the animal and place it curbside, and fill out a request form or call. If you have questions about handling a dead animal, please call for assistance:
Barbara Ray 614.410.4730
Wildlife – Nuisance
Nuisance Wildlife Service Request Form
Barbara Ray 614.410.4730
Wildlife – Mammal Bite
Mammal bites MUST be reported (state law) to your local COUNTY Department of Health*
ALL mammal bites (wild and domestic) should be washed and cleaned/flushed with soap and hot water IMMEDIATELY for 10+ minutes and seek medical care (Urgent Care or ER) and/or notify your doctor for further instructions
Franklin County Public Health 614.525.3160
Delaware General Health District 740.368.1700
Union County Health Department 937.642.2053
Wildlife – Residential or Commercial Wildlife Control or Eviction (Private Property)
SCRAM! Wildlife Control
For wildlife that has invaded or is causing damage to property or buildings such as an attic, chimney or under decks. Humane, non-lethal exclusion service and permanent solutions to wildlife that has invaded/ is causing damage to property or buildings.
Wildlife – State Wildlife Officers, State Hunter Education and Regulations, Endangered Species etc
ODNR Administration (Columbus, Morse Road)
District 1 Office (Columbus, Marble Cliff)
Domestic/Companion Animals – General Questions or Areas Not Listed Below
Barbara Ray, Nature Education Coordinator
614.410.4730 and 614.309.6916
Domestic –Roaming/Stray
If you notice a dog or other domestic animal roaming and/or creating a risk in the City of Dublin, contact the Dublin Police Department, who can provide a quick response to assess the situation and prevent potential dangers. Stray dogs that need picked up are handled by the Franklin County Dog Shelter.
Dublin Police Department Non-Emergency
Franklin County Dog Shelter
*According to Ohio Administrative Code 3701-3-28, “Whenever a person is bitten by a dog or other mammal, report of such bite shall be made within 24 hours to the health commissioner of the district in which the bite occurred.” If you have been bitten by an animal or know someone who has, please report this to Public Health.
If you are in a part of Dublin or surrounding area in Union County:
Union County Dog Warden
Union County Humane Society
You can trace Union County dog licenses online to find the dog’s owner in the Dog License Search. www.doglicenses.us/OH/union
Please contact the Dog Warden and/or UCHS if you have found a stray animal in Union County
If you are in Delaware County:
Delaware Dog Warden and Delaware County Dog Shelter
Domestic -Stray/Roaming Cats
Cozy Cat Cottage (Powell)
Capital Area Humane Society (Hilliard)
Cat Welfare (Columbus/Beechwold)
Emergency Animal Services for Pets
Companion and Exotic/Avian Pet Emergency Services
OSU Veterinary Medical Center at Dublin
5020 Bradenton Avenue
Dublin, Ohio 43017
OSU Veterinary Medical Center, Columbus
MedVet Medical and Cancer Centers for Pets (Will accept avian and exotics)
Miscellaneous Animal Services and Opportunities
Companion Animals in Dublin, General Questions
Barbara Ray, Nature Education Coordinator
614.410.4730 and 614.309.6816
City of Dublin Nando Dog Park
Darree Fields
6259 Cosgray Road
The dog park is completely fenced, with areas for large and small dogs and water supply. Dogs may be off lead. For complete list of Dog Park Rules and Etiquette
visit: http://dublinohiousa.gov/parks-open-space/nandos-dog-park-in-darree-fields-park/
Pets are Welcome in All City Parks
Residents and visitors are asked to be safe and courteous with your pets. Animals may not run at-large in our parks. Specifically, the city administrative code states: “No person shall bring into, have or keep in a park any dog, cat or other animal unless such animal is kept in a vehicle, suitably caged, in a designated area; or restrained by a leash, except where a permit has been obtained in advance from the City Manager or designee.”
Additionally, dogs must be kept under control if they are walking elsewhere in the City off leash such as a neighborhood sidewalk. Animal owners also must pick up and properly dispose of any fecal matter left by their pets. It’s not just courteous — it’s the law!
Horses are permitted in designated areas of Glacier Woods Metro Park
Glacier Woods Metro Park
9801 Hyland-Croy Rd, Plain City, OH 43064
Hunting and Fishing
For the safety of our residents, hunting is forbidden in the City. Fishing is permitted in designated areas, including certain City park ponds and in the Scioto River (with a license). Please fish only in ponds where signs prohibiting fishing are not posted. You do not need a fishing license to fish on City of Dublin Ponds. The Scioto River is state property, and fishing requires a license.