Case 17-086 – Preliminary Plat / Final Plat – 88 North High Street
This is a proposal for a Preliminary Plat and Final Plat creating four lots for Bridge Park West, Building Z2 and the bridge landing. The 2.57-acre site is zoned BSD-HTN, Bridge Street District Historic Transition Neighborhood. The site is located on the east side of North High Street, approximately 200 feet northeast of the intersection with North Street. This is a request for review and recommendation of approval to City Council for a Preliminary Plat and Final Plat under the provisions of the Subdivision Regulations.
Applicant: James Peltier, EMH&T
Planner: Logan Stang, Planner I | 614.410.4652 or
Application | Featured Image | Preliminary Plat | Final Plat
Updated Materials – October 27, 2017
Preliminary Plat | West Plaza Drawings
Planning and Zoning Commission – December 7, 2017
Planning Report | History | Preliminary Plat | Final Plat