Case 18-004 – Rezoning / Preliminary Development Plan / Final Development Plan – 7142-7196 Muirfield Drive
This proposal is a rezoning and final development plan to allow neighborhood commercial oriented uses, the use of an existing 2,000-square-foot patio space and associated site improvements. The site is zoned Planned Unit Development District, Indian Run Meadows Commercial. The site is located east of Muirfield Drive, approximately 500 feet northeast of the intersection with Tara Hill Drive. This is a request for review and approval of an Amended Final Development Plan under the provisions of Zoning Code Section 153.050.
Applicant: Rick Gerber, Gerber & Mitchel
Planner: Nichole Martin, Planner I | 614.410.4635 or
Initial Submission – January 16, 2018
Application | Featured Image | Site Plan | Canopy Renderings | Lighting Plan | Patio Details