Case-20-027 – Final Plat – 6600 Shier Rings Road
A final plat for the provision of right-of-way for University Boulevard to extend from Shier-Rings Road west to intersect with Eiterman Road and the creation of five lots for development. The site is north of Shier Rings Road and west of the intersection with Avery Road and zoned ID-1, Research and Development District, ID-2 Research Flex District and PUD, Planned Unit Development District (OSU Wexner Medical Center Plan) in the West Innovation District.
Applicant: Dana L. McDaniel, City Manager, City of Dublin.
Planner: Claudia D. Husak, AICP, Senior Planner/Current Planning Manager | 614.410.4675, or
Planning and Zoning Commission – March 5, 2020
Planning Report | Final Plat | History