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DORA - Designated Outdoor Refreshment Area

Raise a Glass All Week Long!

The City of Dublin is excited to welcome you to the downtown Dublin DORA.

When to Visit the DORA

  • 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. daily
  • There may be extended hours and days outside of these times for special events with approval from Dublin City Council.



  • AC Hotel/VASO
  • Cap City Dublin
  • Coast Wine House
  • Condado Tacos
  • Dublin Village Tavern
  • Fado
  • Frank & Carls
  • Fukuryu Ramen
  • Getaway Brewing
  • Harvest Pizzeria
  • J. Liu
  • Kitchen Social
  • Local Cantina
  • Market Bar
  • Mezzo
  • Missing Jimmy’s
  • Modern Male
  • No Soliciting
  • North High Brewing
  • Oscars of Dublin
  • Pins Mechanical
  • Rebol
  • Roosevelt Room
  • Song Lan
  • SpringHill Suites
  • The Avenue
  • The Exchange
  • The Pearl Dublin
  • Tucci’s
  • Urban Meyer’s Pint House
  • Z Cucina

What is a DORA?

A Designated Outdoor Refreshment Area (DORA) allows patrons ages 21 and older to purchase an alcoholic beverage from an approved, liquor-permitted establishment, then sip, stroll, shop and explore within the designated boundaries.

Dublin City Council approved a DORA for Downtown Dublin, which includes Historic Dublin and Bridge Park. See map for boundaries.

The State of Ohio approved the DORA concept in 2015, and many cities in Central Ohio have an active DORA, including Delaware, Grove City, Hilliard, Powell, and Worthington.

The creation of the DORA is intended to enhance the outdoor dining and entertainment experiences in Downtown Dublin, while encouraging more business for participating restaurant and retail establishments in the area.

DORA Guidelines

  • No exploring outside the DORA boundaries with your beverage.
  • Please note that you may not sip and scoot. Open containers are not permitted on motorized scooters.
  • Recycle cups before entering the next liquor establishment.
  • No BYOB. All beverages must be purchased at a participating establishment.
  • Patrons must be in the 21 or older club to participate.

Look for the Signs

Each Downtown Dublin business will display one of the following window clings at the establishment’s entrance.

Look for these signs to know how a business chooses to participate in the Downtown Dublin DORA.

As you leave the DORA boundaries, you will encounter “No alcohol beyond this point” signs. You will then need to responsibly dispose of your drink before proceeding, and please recycle your cup.


Is the DORA active all the time or only during specific hours?
The DORA hours are from 4-8 p.m. Monday – Wednesday, 4-10 p.m. Thursday – Friday, 1-10 p.m. Saturday and 1-8 p.m. Sunday. There may be hour or day extensions granted for special events, as approved by Dublin City Council.

What areas are included in this proposed plan, and can it be expanded or restricted in the future?
The areas shown on the Downtown Dublin DORA map are approved by the State of Ohio. Working closely with City staff, City Council also approved the permitted area. To expand beyond the map boundaries, the City would have to file a new application with the state.

How will I know the DORA boundaries?
The DORA boundaries will be clearly marked on the public pathways with ground decals. You can also review the DORA boundaries using the interactive map.

Can I take a drink from one restaurant into another or into a shop?
You cannot take a drink from one establishment into another that serves alcohol. If an individual store allows it, you can take an alcoholic beverage inside. Each store can make their own determination.

Would there be extra security and trash patrol during the DORA?
Yes, the State of Ohio requires all DORAs have a safety and sanitization plan. The City’s Public Services staff will clean the area, and Dublin Police will have a presence in the area for added security. You can also now recycle your DORA cup. Thank you for helping to keep Dublin clean!

Can I bring my own alcohol to drink in the DORA?
Cans, bottles or alcoholic beverages purchased from non-DORA establishments are not permitted to be brought into the DORA area.

What sort of research did Dublin City Council base its decision on to approve the DORA pilot program?
In July 2020, the City of Dublin developed a survey to gauge residents’ sentiment on Dublin creating a DORA. From that survey, the City received more than 4,000 responses with 85% of respondents saying they supported the creation of a DORA. Of the remaining 15%, 9% stated that they did not support the creation of a DORA, 4% were neutral and 2% had not yet formed their opinion. Review the March 3, 2021, DORA public meeting for more information and to hear feedback from the community. Download the DORA public meeting presentation.

Are the DORA cups recyclable, compostable or reuseable?
City staff researched recyclable, compostable and reusable cup options when planning to implement the DORA.

The designated DORA cups are recyclable! The City of Dublin contracts with Rumpke for curbside recycling and they now accept plastic cups. You can find two recycling bins at Riverside Crossing Park each on the West and East plazas just before you cross The Dublin Link bridge. You can also check with local establishments about their recycling containers. Thank you for recycling.

Staff reviewed the option for a compostable cup and have heard that other municipalities with DORAs are looking into this option. It would be difficult to implement compostable cups as Dublin does not currently have a composting program in Downtown Dublin, which would require new trash cans, pick-up processes and processor.

Reusable cups are problematic for a variety of reasons. Particularly since people are not allowed to take drinks from one establishment to another, retailers would need to ensure that all cups were empty before coming in. City staff met with some of the bar/restaurant representatives and they were strongly against going to a reusable cup for this reason.

Public Records Request Overview

In order to support faster response and better tracking of requests, the City of Dublin uses JustFOIA to collect, respond to and manage public information requests.

Why JustFOIA?

JustFOIA is a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) online application that helps streamline the open records request process for the community and improve efficiencies in getting requested information quickly and accurately.

The application lets community members submit requests for all city records, including police reports. Commonly requested information includes accident reports, copies of resolutions and body-camera video.

Submit a Public Records Request


We are and always have been a proud local democracy. In our service, we strive to provide the best quality of life and environment in which our residents and businesses can thrive. We seek to ally our proud traditions with the best innovations of the future.


Dublin, Ohio, is the most sustainable, connected and resilient global city of choice.

Core Values

Integrity, Respect, Communication, Teamwork, Accountability, Positive Attitude & Dedication to Service.

The City of Dublin operates under a set of seven key core values: integrity, respect, communication, teamwork, accountability, positive attitude and dedication to service. Staff members use these seven values as the basis for daily decision-making, including the decisions that go into the budget process.

  • Integrity. We are open and honest. We honor our commitments to the community and each other. Our actions are consistent with what we say.
  • Respect. We treat our coworkers and members of the community with courtesy and dignity. We embrace diversity and acknowledge the needs, responsibilities and inherent worth of each individual.
  • Communication. We maintain an environment in which employees feel free to share ideas and information. We promote open interaction throughout the organization to ensure knowledge and understanding among all employees and our community.
  • Teamwork. We create a climate in which all employees work together and support the individual talents and contributions of team members. We celebrate successes and see mistakes as opportunities for growth; we will never willingly let a member of our team fail.
  • Accountability. We are responsible to our community and each other for our personal and organizational decisions, actions and performance results. We are committed stewards of our City’s assets and resources.
  • Positive Attitude. We focus our efforts on constructive behavior, attitudes and solutions. We promote an environment that people love going to every day – a place where each individual can find a sense of belonging, inspiration, enjoyment and meaning.
  • Dedication to Service. We pursue innovation and continuous improvement in all we do. We are committed to efficient, effective and responsive service delivery that makes a difference in the lives of those we serve.

Leadership Philosophy

We are members of an organization that succeeds because of teamwork, dedication, diversity and the innovative spirit of all of   our members. Together, we build a culture of trust, service, mutual respect, inclusion and open communication. We hold ourselves mutually accountable to promote and sustain continuous learning and to develop the learning potential that exists in every member of our team.

City Code

The complete Dublin City Code is available online at American Legal City Ordinance website. Information staff at the Dublin branch of the Columbus Metropolitan Library are available to help navigate this website.

Revised Charter of Dublin, Ohio

This Revised Charter, as adopted on March 19, 1996, became effective on July 4, 1996.

Zoning Code

The Zoning Code for Dublin is Chapter 153 of the Dublin Code of Ordinances. The Zoning Code sets land development requirements and establishes different uses within individual districts. Zoning regulations address the physical development of a site, such as building height, lot requirements, setbacks from lot lines, minimum numbers of parking spaces, sign types and sizes, and other related regulations.

City Hall
5555 Perimeter Dr.
Dublin, Ohio 43017


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