How We Train

Training is a major component of the Dublin Police Department. With a focus on properly educating and preparing officers through the Columbus Police Academy and Dublin Police’s Field Training and Evaluation Program, officers also receive annual, biannual and other ongoing training to address topics such as First Aid and CPR, de-escalation, bias-based training and weapons training. All training also includes a policy component that officers review.

New Hire Training

Police Academy

Dublin Police recruits will attend the Columbus Police Academy, which includes more than 1,100 hours of training and a minimum of 40 hours of scenario-based training. The 29-week program will equip recruits with the tools needed to become exceptional law enforcement officers.

City’s Field Training and Evaluation Program

Extensive scenario-based training that complements Columbus Police Academy; minimum of 16 weeks of on-the-job training.

Biannual Training

Domestic Violence

Officers complete a refresher course on the department’s domestic violence policy, related laws, internal procedures and more.

First Aid/CPR

The Washington Township Fire Department conducts First Aid and CPR certification for officers.


All City of Dublin employees are required to complete the State of Ohio ethics training.

Temporary Holding Facility

Officers receive refresher training on the operation of the Dublin Police’s temporary holding facility, including safety, sanitation and security procedures.

Court Security

Officers receive refresher training on the Court Security Function, including the operation of court and security measures.


Advanced Training

Accreditation Update

All staff receive a review of CALEA accreditation and the accompanying processes in preparation for the CALEA on-site assessment.

Pursuit Policy

As needed, officers receive the pursuit policy and procedures to familiarize officers with trends in police pursuit usage.

Crisis Intervention Team Training

Crisis Intervention Team programs help direct people with mental health challenges into treatment instead of inappropriate incarceration. The 40-hour training provides practical techniques for de-escalating crises, and officers learn about approaches to best interact with people who have mental health challenges.

Annual Training

Policy Review

Officers receive an overview of all policies that have changed in the past year and are encouraged to revisit policies and contact the Policy Coordinator with questions or concerns.

Legal Updates

Legal counsel trains officers on recent changes and interpretations to case law. Officers are also provided an opportunity to seek clarification on laws, codes and enforcement.

Emergency Operations Plan (EOP)

All staff are required to understand the EOP and review updates. Biannually, the department participates in tabletop exercises regarding the activation of the EOP.

Response to Resistance Training

Officers are required to review the response to resistance policies annually in conjunction with Spring Defensive Tactics training. This covers de-escalation practices, appropriate response techniques to resistance, scenario-based training and appropriate decision-making.

Non-Bias-Based Policing

Officers review the agency policies on non-bias-based policing as well as review ongoing trends identified in the Dublin Police’s Annual Bias-Based Administrative Review.

Annually, officers receive non-bias based training during an interactive group workshop. 

Mental Health

All staff receive training on personal mental health and wellness as well as on managing scenarios with people who are experiencing mental health and behavioral health challenges.

Less-Lethal Weapons

Officers review procedures and must demonstrate proficiency in the use of less-lethal weapons, such as batons and Oleoresin capsicum (OC) spray.


Officers review procedures and must demonstrate proficiency in the use of firearms and a TASER and qualify annually.

Field Training and Evaluation Program

The Field Training and Evaluation Program (FTEP) is designed to complement a trainee’s required Academy training, provide them with the skills necessary to be a competent police officer, to develop proper attitudes toward the profession and department’s values and mission, and to serve as an extension of the hiring process to determine whether to retain a police officer.

The program includes a minimum of 16 weeks of on-the-job training. During those 16 weeks, trainees will serve under the direct guidance of a Field Training Officer (FTO). The FTOs are seasoned police officers who were selected for the position due to their ability to teach, coach and mentor new officers.

The FTO will remain at the trainee’s side throughout each shift they work together in order to ensure the trainee is meeting Dublin Police standards and gaining the knowledge and skills necessary to succeed on their own.


Phases of Training

The 16-week program is broken down into four phases of training. The first three phases include evaluation and coaching, with an emphasis on training the newly hired officer in the skills and knowledge required for the job. Trainees will generally work all three shifts during their first three phases of training, rotating to a new FTO at the beginning of each phase.

Each phase will also require the trainee to pass a series of written examinations ranging from local geography to the Ohio Revised Code.

Evaluation Phase

The fourth phase is an evaluation-only period, in which the FTO does not provide assistance during calls for service, and the trainee must demonstrate the ability to function on their own.

Every day of the Field Training and Evaluation Program, the trainee is evaluated using a Daily Observation Report (DOR). The DOR consists of 30 categories in which the FTO will rate the trainee on a scale of one to seven.

Reflecting the gravity of decisions made in the policing profession, if a trainee does anything considered unsatisfactory by the FTO during their shift, they will be rated as unsatisfactory in that category for the day, regardless of how well the trainee otherwise performed in that category.

Scenario-Based Training

In addition to the four phases, the program also contains three scenario-based training days. The scenarios are drawn from real-world situations, most having occurred in Dublin at some point. The scenarios are designed to challenge the trainee in the areas of conflict management, legal knowledge, search and seizure, and laws of arrest.

Through this type of training, the FTOs can simulate real-world conditions and evaluate how the trainee performs in situations that may not organically arise during the course of the trainee’s FTEP experience.

The Field Training and Evaluation Program ensures that every officer in the department meets the rigorous standards of professionalism set forth by the agency and provides the citizens of Dublin with the highest quality officers.

Phone: 911

Non-Emergency Service
: 614.889.1112

Dublin Justice Center
Address: 6565 Commerce Parkway, Dublin, OH 43017
Phone: 614.410.4800 | Fax: 614.761.6535

Justice Center Hours: Open 24/7
Records Department Hours: Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Court Services
Phone: 614.410.4920 | Fax: 614.761.6598

Email Dublin Police
Contact the Dublin Police Department via email.

Submit an Anonymous Tip
Submit an anonymous tip to the Dublin Police regarding crime.       

Submit Traffic Complaint
Fill out a traffic complaint; this is NOT live monitored.

Public Records Request Overview

In order to support faster response and better tracking of requests, the City of Dublin uses JustFOIA to collect, respond to and manage public information requests.

Why JustFOIA?

JustFOIA is a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) online application that helps streamline the open records request process for the community and improve efficiencies in getting requested information quickly and accurately.

The application lets community members submit requests for all city records, including police reports. Commonly requested information includes accident reports, copies of resolutions and body-camera video.

Submit a Public Records Request

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Request a service or report an Issue.

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