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Hotel/Motel Tax Grant

Applications will open in the later summer/early fall. If you would like to be notified directly when applications are live, please email to request to be added to the email list.


The City of Dublin Hotel/Motel Tax Fund was established to improve the quality of life for Dublin’s residents, corporate citizens and visitors. The purpose of the Hotel/Motel Tax is to provide revenue that enhances the City’s appeal to visitors and tourists. Home to nearly 20 hotels/motels, Dublin generates funds from a 6% tax on overnight stays. These funds are invested back into the community through designated projects and events that enhance visitor appeal and encourage overnight stays. City Council annually budgets the greater of $225,000 or 6.5% of the previous year’s actual hotel/motel tax revenue to provide funding to community organizations.

The primary goal of the Hotel/Motel Tax Grant is to support the community through events and programs that enhance the resident and visitor experience in Dublin.


The application process opens in the fall of each year. Once the application period ends, City staff will review applications for completeness and eligibility. Applications will be separated into two categories: community benefit events/projects and sports tournaments. The process listed below informs but does not determine, the final grant award amounts recommendation. The Finance Committee will review all applications in the late fall and determine the final funding amount recommendation that will be made to City Council. Funding is not approved until voted on by City Council.

Hotel/Motel Tax Grant Policy & Rubric

Final Report

Award recipients must submit a final report to receive reimbursement no later than 90 days after the event has concluded unless otherwise approved by the City. Reimbursements will not be administered until receipt of a complete final report. Organizations may request an additional 30 days to submit the final report with written approval from the City of Dublin


The City welcomes grant requests from federally recognized, tax-exempt, not-for-profit organizations (i.e. 501(c)(3)). Grants are made in the areas of:

  • Beautification of public property
  • Improvement of Dublin’s historic district
  • Projects/events that appeal to Dublin visitors/tourists
  • Special events
  • Other projects that will enhance Dublin
  • Cultural arts


  • Events that have been funded by the grant for three or more total years will be required to match 25% of the grant funds awarded.
  • Submission of a 990 form to inform the overall financial sustainability of the organization.
  • The organization will enter into a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the City of Dublin. The MOU will outline specific items to be funded by the grant and general grant expectations. No funds will be reimbursed for items not included in the MOU.
* Please note, to ensure all organizations have sufficient time to budget for this requirement, all events/projects are considered new in 2025, regardless of past grant receipt status. 

Priority Considerations

The City is interested in funding organizations that demonstrate they have planned their projects to meet the community’s goals and values.

Priority is given to projects that:

  • Generate overnight stays in Dublin hotels
  • Encourage support of Dublin businesses, restaurants and attractions
  • Attract positive coverage in local, regional and national media
  • Reach a broad segment of the community
  • Request seed money for inventive programs related to the aforementioned criteria
  • Seek multiple sources of support rather than rely on the City as a single funding source
  • Yield benefits to the community for the resources invested
  • Promote cooperation among event organizers to reduce costs
  • Enhance or improve the community


Because the City cannot fund every worthwhile endeavor, resources are directed to those areas where public support will have the greatest impact. The following are not eligible for funding:

  • Individuals or staffing
  • Organizations that support political candidates or political philosophies
  • Organizations whose primary purpose is to influence, promote or attempt to initiate legislation
  • Organizations in need of funding for travel outside of Dublin
  • For-profit ventures
  • Budget deficits incurred prior to application
  • Endowments
  • Race events that require public road closures

For questions or more information…

Please contact Management Analyst Emily Goliver at or 614.410.4456.

2024 Grant Recipients

Ace Archery

Buckeye Classic

$         2,000

Arthritis Foundation

Classic Auto Show & Cruise-in

$       14,660

Club Ohio Soccer

Nike Challenge Cup

$       11,690

Crawford Hoying Foundation

The Dublin Market

$       18,666

Crawford Hoying Foundation


$       14,666

Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation

Take Steps Walk

$         1,400

Dublin AM Rotary

Classic Car Show

$         2,700

Dublin Arts Council

Alejandro “Mono” Gonzalez Exhibition and Artist Residency

$       8,000

Dublin Education Foundation

Elevate Education

$         3,333

Dublin Historical Society

Dublin Historical Society Museum and Archives

$       27,500

Dublin Jerome High School

Homecoming Parade

$         1,000

Dublin Scioto Lacrosse Boosters

Ohio Middle School Lacrosse State Tournament

$         9,218

Dublin Soccer League

Dublin Charity Cup

$         8,500

Dublin Special Olympics

Shamrock Games

$         1,466

Dublin United Dublin United Champions Cup $         6,723

Dublin Youth Athletics

Wayne Williams Memorial Baseball Tournament

$         18,000

Evolution Theater Company

2025 Season

$       4,200

Federation of Asian Indian Association of Central Ohio

Diwali Festival

$       10,800

Historic Dublin Business Association

St. Paddy’s Crawl, Spring – April Bunny Hop, Sweet Roll, Play Nine, Summer Music Series, Barks and Brews, Historic Halloween and Holly Days

$       38,000


Japan Festival Columbus or Summer Festival

$         6,000

Ohio Premier

OP Invitational

$         4,000

Ohio Public Market Authority

North Market Wine Fest at Bridge Park

$         10,000

One Dublin

Back to School Celebration

$         2,500

The Adaptive Sports Connection

Boundless Freedom Veterans Adventure Weekend

$         5,000

The Ohio State University Foundation

LiFEsports Summer Camp at Dublin City Schools

$         3,978

  • Resident Individuals
  • Nonresident Individuals (see below)
  • Associations (including Partnerships, Joint Ventures, etc.)
  • Corporations (including S-Corporations)
  • Fiduciaries – Estates and Trusts (including Grantor Trusts)


The following persons must file an Annual Return:

A RESIDENT of Dublin having earned income and/or who engages in a business or profession in or outside their place of residence—even if all taxes have been properly withheld. A Declaration of Estimated Tax is required for all individuals whose tax is not fully withheld or with business income if the estimated tax due is more than $200.00.

Residents who are exempt from paying the tax (e.g. pension income or under age 18) must complete a Declaration of Exemption form and submit it to our office in order to inactivate your account.

Not sure if you are resident? Check your status here.

A NONRESIDENT of Dublin having earned income in Dublin from which Dublin city income tax has not been fully withheld by your employer, and/or who engages in a business or profession in Dublin. Any taxpayer engaged in business within Dublin must file an annual return, even if a loss is claimed on the business. A declaration of estimated city income tax is required for all individuals whose estimated tax due is more than $200.00.

Nonresident Individual taxpayers seeking a refund for taxes withheld should complete a Nonresident Individual Return form.

INDIVIDUALS – Ask yourself these questions:

  1. Was I over 18 and a resident of the City of Dublin for any portion of the tax year?
  2. Did I have any other earnings in Dublin from which at least 2.0% was not withheld?

Self-employment income, net income from rentals, tips, commissions, etc. are taxable to the City as earned income. If you have rental property in Dublin or other business income earned within Dublin, you must file a return even if you show a loss.

If you answered “yes” to either of these questions, you are required to file a Dublin income tax return. Forms and instructions are available on our web site or you may call the Division of Taxation at 614.410.4460.


The following business enterprises must file an Annual Return:

ASSOCIATIONS, CORPORATIONS, and FIDUCIARIES (ESTATES and TRUSTS) deriving income or losses from work done, services performed or rendered, and/or business conducted in Dublin.

All taxpayers engaged in business must file an annual return, even if a loss is claimed on the business. A declaration of estimated city income tax is required for all business entities with estimated tax due of $200.00 or more.

Did You Know That:

  • The City of Dublin Division of Taxation provides taxpayer assistance regarding income tax matters between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday through Friday.
  • Your mailing address (i.e. post office or school district) does not always reflect the taxing jurisdiction in which you live. When in doubt, find out by clicking here or call 614.410.4460.
  • As a Dublin resident, you are responsible for paying additional tax if the tax rate where you work is less than 2.0%.
  • Social Security benefits, pension income, welfare payments, state unemployment, workers’ compensation, interest, and dividends are not subject to Dublin city tax.
  • The filing deadline for calendar year taxpayers is April 15, 2024. All extension requests must be submitted on or before this date.
  • Extensions are an extension of time to file not an extension of time to pay any tax due. Payment of any estimated tax due should accompany the extension request.
  • A copy of the Federal extension (Form 4768 – Individuals and Form 7004 – Corporations, Partnerships, & Trusts) is acceptable, but must be submitted to Dublin by the original due date of the return.

In accordance with Ohio Revised Code §718.27, the interest rate that will apply to late tax payments is calculated by adding five percentage points to the federal short-term rate (rounded to the nearest percentage point) that was in effect during the current year(s).

For 2025 the interest rate is 10%

Past interest rates:

  • 2017 – 6%
  • 2018 – 6%
  • 2019 – 7%
  • 2020 – 7%
  • 2021 – 5%
  • 2022 – 5%
  • 2023 – 7%
  • 2024 – 10%

Questions should be directed to the Division of Taxation at 614.410.4460.

Dublin Municipal Income Tax Ordinance


Use this link for the contact and basic tax information for all municipalities in Ohio.

School District

School District taxes in the state of Ohio are administered by the Ohio Department of Taxation.

County Auditor & Property Taxes

The Franklin, Union, and Delaware County Auditors’ offices administer and collect property taxes on behalf of the City and should be contacted with any questions regarding property valuations or property taxes.

State of Ohio


Office Phone Number:

Toll Free Tax Number:


Office Hours:
Monday – Friday
8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.

Tammy Lehnert, Director of Taxation

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