Architectural Review Board Application Information

The Architectural Review Board reviews modifications to any site or structure within the limits of the Historic District in addition to any outlying historic properties identified in Appendix G of the Zoning Code. Modifications under the purview of the ARB include commercial and residential plans to construct, alter, demolish, or change the exterior of any structure (windows, doors, siding, roofing, exterior paint colors, etc.). Site improvements such as fences, patios, parking, commercial landscaping, and signs also require ARB review and approval. The Board typically meets on the fourth Wednesday of each month at 6:30 p.m., unless otherwise advertised.

For modifications within the Historic District, please contact Sarah Holt, AICP, Senior Planner, at 614.410.4662 or

Architectural Review Board

ARB Informal Review

An Informal Review provides the opportunity for feedback at the formative stage of a project allowing the Architectural Review Board to provide non-binding feedback to an applicant regarding the proposal of a Concept Plan (CP), to inform the preparation and subsequent review of the CP.

ARB Concept Plan

The purpose of the Concept Plan (CP) is to provide a general outline of the scope, character, and nature of the proposed development that is consistent with the policy direction of the Historic District Code, Community Plan, other related policy and regulatory documents, the review criteria, and to consider the proposal within the context of existing and planned development within the vicinity of the project.


ARB Preliminary Development Plan

The purpose of the Preliminary Development Plan (PDP) is to establish a framework for the proposed development located in the Historic District that is consistent with the requirements of the Historic District Code, Community Plan, Historic Design Guidelines, other adopted plans, policies, and regulations, and the review criteria.

ARB Final Development Plan

The purpose of the Final Development Plan (FDP) is to confirm compliance with the Preliminary Development Plan (PDP), all requirements of the Historic District Code, Community Plan, Historic Design Guidelines, and other adopted plans, policies and regulations, and the review criteria.

Additional Architectural Review Board Applications

ARB Minor Project Review

The purpose of the Minor Project Review is to provide an efficient review process for qualified projects located within the Historic District. The Minor Project Review is necessary to ensure that applications meet the requirements of Chapter 153 of the Dublin Code of Ordinances.

ARB Master Sign Plan

Master Sign Plans are intended to allow for one-of-a-kind, whimsical, unique signs that employ the highest quality materials and construction while allowing flexibility to deviate from the standards of the Historic District Design Guidelines. MSPs are not intended to allow for a greater number of signs without consideration for unique sign design and display.

ARB Waiver Review

Waiver Reviews are a process to allow deviations from specific code requirements that may be granted by the Architectural Review Board. A request for a deviation from a requirement of sections 153.172C through 153.174, which do not otherwise qualify for an Administrative Departure; or a request for determination of a contributing versus non-contributing structure.

ARB Demolition (Contributing)

If the property that is to be demolished is categorized as a contributing building per a determination of the ARB using the City of Dublin Historical and Cultural Assessment the property owner or applicant shall demonstrate by credible evidence that the property owner will suffer economic hardship if the request to demolish is not granted. In determining whether the property owner has demonstrated economic hardship the Board shall consider the factors established in Section 153.176(J)(5)(a).

ARB Demolition (Non-Contributing)

If the property that is to be demolished is categorized as a non-contributing building per a determination of the ARB using the City of Dublin Historical and Cultural Assessment the property owner or applicant shall demonstrate one of the criteria outline in Section 153.013(J)(5)(b).

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