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Planning & Zoning Commission Application Information

The Planning & Zoning Commission reviews all applications for Planned Unit Development Districts (PUD), Bridge Street District (BSD), Conditional Uses, Preliminary & Final plat, and provides a recommendation to City Council for Rezoning Applications. The Commission typically meets on two Thursday’s each month at 6:30 p.m. unless otherwise advertised.

Please contact Planning at 614.410.4600 with any questions regarding the Planning & Zoning Commission procedures or application requirements.

BSD Concept Plan

The purpose of the Concept Plan (CP) is to provide a general outline of the scope, character, and nature of the proposed development that is consistent with the policy direction of the Community Plan and the BSD Special Area Plan, the requirements of the BSD Code, other related policy and regulatory documents, and the review criteria, and to consider the proposal within the context of existing and planned development within the vicinity of the project.


BSD Preliminary Development Plan

The purpose of the Preliminary Development Plan (PDP) is to establish a framework for the proposed development located in the Bridge Street District that is consistent with the requirements of the Community Plan, BSD Special Area Plan, BSD Code, and BSD Design Guidelines, other adopted plans, policies, and regulations, and the review criteria.

BSD Final Development Plan

The purpose of the Final Development Plan (FDP) is to confirm compliance with the PDP, all requirements of the BSD Code, Community Plan, BSD Special Area Plan, BSD Design Guidelines, and other adopted plans, policies and regulations, and the review criteria.

BSD Amended Final Development Plan

Amended Final Development Plan applications are required for revisions to approved final development plans.

BSD Waiver Review

Waiver Reviews are a process to allow deviations from specific code requirements that may only be granted by the Planning and Zoning Commission. A request for a deviation from a requirement of sections 153.059-153.066, which do not otherwise qualify for an Administrative Departure.

BSD Master Sign Plan

Master Sign Plans are intended to allow for one-of-a-kind, whimsical, unique signs that employ the highest quality materials and construction while allowing flexibility to deviate from the standards of the Bridge Street District Design Guidelines. MSPs are not intended to allow for a greater number of signs without consideration for unique sign design and display.

Residential Planned PUD

The following checklists are to be used for Non-residential Planned Unit Developments (commercial, office, industrial, etc.). The Concept Plan allows Planning and Zoning Commission to discuss general ideas and appropriateness of a proposal; the Preliminary Development Plan is the first formal step in the PUD creation process and is combined with the rezoning process; and the Final Development Plan is the last, most detailed step where a project is refined.

Non-Residential PUD

The following checklists are to be used for Residential Planned Unit Developments, where the Neighborhood Design Guidelines are the City’s adopted vision for high-quality, distinctive communities. The Concept Plan allows Planning and Zoning Commission to discuss general ideas and appropriateness of a proposal; the Preliminary Development Plan is the first formal step in the PUD creation process and is combined with the rezoning process; and the Final Development Plan is the last, most detailed step where a project is refined.

Informal Review

An Informal Review provides the opportunity for feedback at the formative stage of a project allowing the Planning and Zoning Commission to provide non-binding feedback to an applicant regarding the proposal.

Conditional Use

Uses requiring Conditional Use review have potentially greater affects on their surroundings than permitted uses and require additional scrutiny to ensure that the use id appropriate for the location. A Certificate of Zoning Plan Approval must be obtained for the property within one year of the Conditional Use approval.

Standard District Rezoning

Rezoning changes the zoning classification of a property, which may include different permitted and conditional uses, and development standards. Standard District Rezoning requires review and recommendation by the Planning and Zoning Commission and two readings by City Council. The Planning and Zoning Commission makes a recommendation to City Council on Standard District Rezoning applications.

Preliminary Plat

The Preliminary Plat application is the first step in creating a subdivision, involving the preliminary placement of development lots, public streets, and other associated facilities. The Planning and Zoning Commission makes recommendations to City Council on Preliminary Plat applications.

Final Plat

The Final Plat application is a refinement of the Preliminary Plat and presents the final configuration of lots within a subdivision and/or finalizes the placement of public streets and utilities. The Planning and Zoning Commission makes recommendations to City Council on Final Plat applications.