Monday, August 28, 2017 – 6:30 p.m.
Council Chambers – City Hall, 5200 Emerald Parkway
- The purchase of property for public purposes or the sale of property at competitive bidding
- Conferences with an attorney for the public body concerning disputes involving the public body that are the subject of pending or imminent court action
- Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy Awareness – Premier Allergy and Little Hercules Foundation
- Hunger Awareness Month – Dublin Food Pantry
- Scout Troop 185 – 75th Anniversary Celebration
- Dublin City School District Ranked as Number 5 in the “2018 Best School Districts in America” by Niche
- Anyone who wishes to speak to an item NOT on the agenda may address the Council. Speakers will be asked to limit their comments to five minutes.
(Items proposed for the Consent Agenda are acted upon by a single motion and vote of Council. However, upon request of a Council Member, any proposed Consent Agenda item may be removed from the Consent Agenda for further discussion/consideration under the regular order of business.)
- Approval of Minutes of Council meeting of August 14, 2017
- Resolution 62-17 (Introduction/public hearing/vote)
Construction Guarantee Maximum Reimbursement Agreement between the City of Columbus and the City of Dublin for Upper Scioto West Shaft Improvements – Shaft 12.
Ordinance 51-17
Amending Sections 91.28, 91.29 and 91.99 of the Dublin Code of Ordinances to Remove Pit Bulls from the Definition of “Vicious Dog,” to Change the Definitions of a “Dangerous Dog” and a “Vicious Dog,” to Require the Owner of a Dangerous Dog to Obtain a Dangerous Dog Registration Certificate, and to Change the Penalties Involving Ownership of Nuisance, Dangerous, and Vicious Dogs.
Ordinance 52-17
Rezoning Approximately 2.9 acres from PUD, Planned Unit Development District (Oak Park, Subarea D) to PUD, Planned Unit Development District (Oak Park, Subarea D) for Amendments to the Approved Development Text to Permit the Conversion of 36 Townhome Units in Six buildings to 20 Single-family Lots within an Existing Residential Development. (Case 17-028Z/PDP/PP/FDP/FP)
Ordinance 53-17
Petitioning the Board of County Commissioners of Union County, Ohio, to Adjust the Boundary Lines of Jerome Township so as to Exclude that Territory that, as a Result of Annexation, now Lies within the Corporate Boundaries of the City of Dublin. (Pulte Homes of Ohio, LLC annexation of 47.366+/- acres – Ordinance 26-17)
Ordinance 54-17
Appropriating a 0.0121-Acre Temporary Construction Easement from The Geitgey Company, Located at 7600 Fishel Drive, for the Public Purpose of Constructing Roadway Improvements.
Ordinance 55-17
Appropriating a 0.0034-Acre Temporary Construction Easement from Jeffrey T. Beckman, Located at 7423 Cosgray Road; a 0.3304-Acre Fee Simple Right-of-Way; and a 0.0132-Acre Temporary Construction Easement, from the Same Property Owner, Located at 7505 Plain City Road, for the Public Purpose of Constructing Roadway Improvements.
Ordinance 56-17
Appropriating a 0.1270-Acre Fee Simple Right-of-Way; a 0.9139-Acre Fee Simple Right-of-Way; a 0.6520-Acre Permanent Utility Easement; and a 0.0953-Acre Temporary Construction Easement from Kevin G. Bennington, Mark A. Bryant, Larry D. Clarke and Marc A. Palmer, Successor Co-Trustees of the Duroc Trust, Located at the Southeast Corner of S.R. 161 and Cosgray Road; a 0.0299-Acre Temporary Construction Easement from the Same Property Owner, Located at 7520 Plain City Road for the Public Purpose of Constructing Roadway Improvements.
Ordinance 57-17
Appropriating a 0.5877-Acre Fee Simple Right-of-Way, a 0.1264-Acre Fee Simple Right-of-Way, and a 0.0009-Acre Fee Simple Right-of-Way from Jeffry Weingarten, Jeffry Weingarten T.O.D., Virginia M. Acosta T.O.D., Located at 7453-7455 Cosgray Road, for the Public Purpose of Constructing Roadway Improvements.
Ordinance 58-17
Appropriating a 0.0229-Acre Temporary Construction Easement from Ralph E. Smucker, Located at 7500 Plain City Road, for the Public Purpose of Constructing Roadway Improvements.
Ordinance 60-17
Determining to Proceed with the Acquisition, Construction, and Improvement of Certain Public Improvements in the City of Dublin, Ohio in Cooperation with the Columbus Regional Energy Special Improvement District. (Second reading/public hearing September 11 Council meeting)
Ordinance 61-17
Levying Special Assessments for the Purpose of Acquiring, Constructing, and Improving Certain Public Improvements in the City of Dublin, Ohio in Cooperation with the Columbus Regional Energy Special Improvement District. (Second reading/public hearing September 11 Council meeting)
Ordinance 62-17
Authorizing and Approving an Energy Project Cooperative Agreement by and between the City of Dublin, Ohio, the Columbus Regional Energy Special Improvement District, Frantz Investments, LLC, and the Columbus-Franklin County Finance; a Special Assessment Agreement by and between the City of Dublin, Ohio, the County Treasurer of Franklin County, Ohio, the Columbus Regional Energy Special Improvement District, and Frantz Investments, LLC and Related Agreements, All of Which Provide for the Financing of Special Energy Improvements Projects. (5500 Frantz Road Project) (Second reading/public hearing September 11 Council meeting)
Resolution 63-17
Appointing a Member to an Unexpired Term on the Architectural Review Board.
Resolution 64-17
Accepting the Grounds of Remembrance Updated Landscape Plan.
- Final Site Plan – Riverside Crossing Park West Plaza
- Final Development and Site Plan/Conditional Use – Downtown Dublin Garage (Case 17-075BSD/DP/SP/CU)
- Preliminary/Final Plats – Downtown Dublin Garage (17-068PP/FP)