Monday, November 18, 2019 – 7 p.m.
Council Chambers – City Hall, 5200 Emerald Parkway
- Wendy’s 50th Anniversary
- Dublin Jerome Girls Tennis Team – State Champions
Ordinance 62-19
Authorizing the City Manager to Execute Necessary Conveyance Documents and to Accept Conveyance of a 0.072-Acre Fee Simple Warranty Deed for Right-of-Way, Without Limitation of Existing Access Rights from CBJ on High, LLC, from the Property Located at 158 S. High Street.
Ordinance 63-19
Amending Chapter 35 of the Codified Ordinances to Revise the Fee and Service Charge Revenue/Cost Comparison System and Establishing a Schedule of Fees and Service Charges for City of Dublin Services.
Ordinance 64-19
Adopting the Annual Operating Budget for the Fiscal Year Ending December 31, 2020.
Ordinance 65-19
Amending Various Sections of Ordinance 15-17 (Compensation Plan for Non-Union Personnel).
Ordinance 66-19
Authorizing the Provision of Certain Incentives to RenaissanceTech, LLC to Induce it to Purchase a Facility to Retain and Expand its Corporate Headquarters and Its Associated Operations and Workforce, All Within the City, and Authorizing the Execution of an Economic Development Agreement.
Ordinance 67-19
Authorizing the City Manager to Enter into a Real Estate Transfer and Development Agreement and an Infrastructure Agreement for the Development of The Corners Development in the City and for the Construction of Certain Related Infrastructure and Park Improvements, and Authorizing the Execution of Various Relation Agreements and Documents. (Second reading/public hearing December 2 Council meeting)
Ordinance 68-19
Amending Ordinance No. 83-00 (Rings/Frantz TIF), Passed June 19, 2000, as Subsequently Amended, To Supplement the Public Improvements to be made to Benefit the Property Identified in that Ordinance. (Second reading/public hearing December 2 Council meeting)
Ordinance 69-19
Declaring the Improvement to Certain Parcels of Real Property known as The Corners Development to be a Public Purpose and Exempt from Taxation; Providing for the Collection and Deposit of Service Payments and Specifying the Purposes for which those Service Payments may be Expended; Specifying the Public Infrastructure Improvements directly benefiting the Parcels; Authorizing Compensation Payments to the Dublin City School District and the Tolles Career and Technical Center; and Repealing Ordinance No. 83-00. (Second reading/public hearing December 2 Council meeting)
Ordinance 70-19
Rezoning Approximately 13.5 Acres, More or Less, Located West of Frantz Road, North of Rings Road and South of Paul Blazer Parkway from OLR, Office, Laboratory and Research District to PUD, Planned Unit Development District (The Corners) for the Future Development of up to 70,000 Square Feet for Commercial and Office Uses and a Public Park. (Case 19-081Z/PDP) (Second reading/public hearing December 2 Council meeting)
Ordinance 71-19
Establishing Appropriations Based on the 2020 Operating Budget of the City of Dublin, State of Ohio, for the Fiscal Year Ending December 31, 2020.
(Second reading/public hearing December 2 Council meeting)
Ordinance 72-19
Amending the Annual Appropriations for the Fiscal Year Ending December 31, 2019. (Second reading/public hearing December 2 Council meeting)
Resolution 61-19
Appointing Members to the Historic Dublin Vision Task Force.
Resolution 62-19
Authorizing the City Manager to Enter into a Contract with and Execute a Guaranteed Maximum Price Amendment (GMP) with Ruscilli Construction Co., Inc., Construction Manager at Risk, for the Dublin 5555 Perimeter Drive (Future City Hall) Renovation/Construction Project.
Resolution 63-19
Authorizing the City Manager to Enter into a Contract with Frost Brown Todd, LLC for the Provision of Legal Services
Resolution 64-19
Authorizing the City Manager to Enter into a Collective Bargaining Agreement with United Steelworkers of America Regarding Wages, Hours, and Terms and Conditions of Employment for Employees within the Maintenance Worker, Fleet Technician I, Electrical Worker, and Custodial Worker Bargaining Unit.
Resolution 65-19
Requesting the Delaware, Franklin and Union County Auditors to Draw Money that May be in the County Treasuries and to Issue a Draft to the Director of Finance of the City of Dublin for any Money that May be in the Accounts for the City of Dublin.
Resolution 66-19
Appointment of a Member to an Unexpired Term on the Community Services Advisory Commission.