Historic District is a vital part of the City of Dublin and a valued place for residents, businesses, and visitors. This area was originally part of the Historic District Area Plan, which was a distinct area plan in the 2007 Community Plan but was incorporated into the Bridge Street District Plan in 2013. City Council has identified a community visioning process that would provide recommendations and strategies for recreating a special area plan, similar to the 2007 Historic District Area Plan, for this area of the city. The area plan would recognize the essential character of the Historic District and include a grass roots engagement process that involves residents and business owners in the community. To incorporate this vital process, City Council has appointed the Historic District Task Force comprised of business owners, landowners, member of the Historic Society and residents of our community to engage in this process.
The Historic District Task Force is charged with visioning the future of the district and will engage with local community based groups that have interest in the district, meet with local consultants that specialize in revitalization and preservation of historic district, and evaluate other resources available to them to formulate final recommendations to City Council.
We are thankful for the appointees of the Historic District Task Force and their important service to our community, as well as the support of City Council for their long-term visioning objectives for our communities. For more information regarding the process, please contact Jennifer Rauch, Planning Director at jrauch@dublin.oh.us or Tammy Noble, Senior Planner at tnoble@dublin.oh.us.
2020 Meetings
Thursday, January 30
Regular Meeting | 6:30 p.m. | Development Building
Agenda | Notes | Attachments (ZIP)
Tuesday, February 11
Regular Meeting | 6:30 p.m. | Development Building
Agenda | Notes | Attachments (ZIP)
Thursday, February 25
Regular Meeting | 6:30 p.m. | Development Building
Agenda | Notes
Tuesday, March 3 – Thursday, March 5, 2020
Heritage Ohio | Dublin Community Recreation Center
Agenda | Heritage Ohio Presentation | Comment Cards | Walking Tour Photos | Downtown Assessment Resource Team Report
Thursday, July 21
Regular Meeting | 4 p.m. | Virtual Meeting
Agenda | Notes | Watch
Tuesday, August 4
Regular Meeting | 4 p.m. | Virtual Meeting
Agenda | Notes | Watch
Tuesday, August 18
Regular Meeting | 4 p.m. | Virtual Meeting
Agenda | Notes | Watch
Tuesday, September 1
Regular Meeting | 4:30 p.m. | Virtual Meeting
Agenda | Notes | Watch
Tuesday, September 15
Regular Meeting | 4:30 p.m. | Virtual Meeting
Agenda | Notes | Watch
Tuesday, September 29
Regular Meeting | 4:30 p.m. | Virtual Meeting
Agenda | Notes | Watch
Tuesday, November 17
Regular Meeting | 4:30 p.m. | Virtual Meeting
Notes | Watch
Mapping Exercise
The Historic District Task Force is developing recommendations and updates for Council consideration. To help prepare the recommendations, the Task Force is conducting a mapping exercise that visually represents their preferences and challenges within the District. Each color and dot represent themes that the Task Force is focusing on including Architecture and Historic Preservation, Land Uses, Open Space and Natural Corridors, Parking and Wayfinding, Programming and Management, Streetscape and Public Art.
Each dot represents a specific location that the Task Force identifies as opportunities and challenges within the District. Please see the live stream video for August 4 for more details and provide your additional comments for each theme by clicking on the “Smart Editor” button under the Address Finder on the map. Click on the theme dot in the Smart Editor, place it on the map, and add your thoughts in the comment box”.
Please provide your comments on the map by clicking here.
Task Force Representatives
Historic Dublin Business Representatives
Craig Price
Enas Lanham
Lynn Long
Becky Brightman
Historical Society Representatives
Rich Weber
Clay Rose
Historic District Residents
Kathy Lannan
Alan Szuter
Dublin Residents
Sally Van Horn
Jay Nordenbrock
Garric Daft
Kim Way
Burt Dowden
Carol Matune
Ed Ostrowski
Paula Yonnotti-Ansel
Youth Representatives
Rohan Madan
Olivia Wirth