AO | Subject | Status | Date |
1.1 | Administrative Order Policy | 9/30/21 | |
1.2 | Procedure and Format for Presentation of Reports to City Council | 11/01/93 | |
1.3 | Attendance at and Participation in Council Meetings by Department/Division Heads | Rescinded | 1/27/23 |
1.4 | Adherence to the Organizational “Chain-of-Command” | View | 03/01/23 |
1.5 | Processing Procedure for Certain Administrative Forms | 10/30/06 | |
1.6 | Provision of Meals to Employees under Unusual, Emergency, or Special Conditions | 03/01/08 | |
1.8 | City Ethics Policy | 4/30/19 | |
1.9 | Requests for Legal Services from Law Director’s Office | 1/25/22 | |
1.10 | Communications Equipment and Call Numbers | 11/01/93 | |
1.11 | Awards for Existing Boards, Commissions, Council and Committee Members | 06/22/22 | |
1.12 | Designation of Acting City Manager in my Temporary Absence or Disability | Rescinded | 6/17/20 |
1.13 | Waste Minimization and Office Recycling Program (US EPA WasteWi$e Program) | 3/17/23 | |
1.15 | Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) Coordinator | 11/01/93 | |
1.16 | Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) Grievance Procedure | 12/15/06 | |
1.18 | Public Records Policy – Public’s Right to Inspection and Disclosure of City Documents | 07/28/22 | |
1.19 | Records Management | 05/20/22 | |
1.21 | Media Relations Policy Manual | 08/09/22 | |
1.22 | Designation of Acting Clerk of Council | 09/12/96 | |
1.25 | Adoption of Graphic Standards Program for City-Wide Stationary, Print Pieces and Promotional Materials | 10/02/96 | |
1.26 | Dangerous & Vicious Animals | 1/04/22 | |
1.27 | Social Media Policy | View | 9/1/24 |
1.28 | Volunteer Resources Standards | 12/13/17 | |
1.29 | Public Meeting Material Submission | 1/11/23 | |
1.30 | Public Meeting Protocol | 7/20/23 | |
AO | Subject | Status | Date |
2.2 | Sexual Harassment Policy | 09/05/12 | |
2.3 | Sexual Harassment Policy | 09/05/12 | |
2.4 | No Smoking Policy | 4/19/22 | |
2.5 | Uniforms for Personnel within Streets & Utilities, Parks, Facilities, and Engineering | View | 3/1/24 |
2.6 | Procedure for Addressing General Employee Concerns | 05/29/02 | |
2.8 | Administrative Practices & Procedures for the Recruitment Of Law Enforcement Personnel | Rescinded | 2/10/23 |
2.9 | Cooperative Agreements for the Recruitment of Law Enforcement Personnel | Rescinded | 2/10/23 |
2.10 | Community Outreach for Recruitment of Law Enforcement Personnel | Rescinded | 2/10/23 |
2.11 | Comprehensive Recruitment Plan for Law Enforcement Personnel | Rescinded | 2/10/23 |
2.12 | Affirmative Action & EEO Plan for the Recruitment of Law Enforcement Personnel | Rescinded | 2/9/23 |
2.13 | Job Announcements and Publicity in the Recruitment Of Entry-Level Law Enforcement Personnel | Rescinded | 9/2/22 |
2.14 | Application Process for the Recruitment of Law Enforcement Personnel | Rescinded | 9/2/22 |
2.15 | Professional and Legal Requirements for the Selection of Entry-Level Law Enforcement Personnel | 10/2/22 | |
2.16 | Administrative Practices & Procedures for the Selection Of Entry-Level Law Enforcement Personnel | Rescinded | 9/2/22 |
2.17 | Background Investigations Used in the Selection of Entry-Level Law Enforcement Personnel | Rescinded | 9/2/22 |
2.18 | Polygraph Examinations Used in the Selection of Entry-Level Law Enforcement Personnel | Rescinded | 9/2/22 |
2.19 | Structured Panel Interviews Used in the Selection of Entry-Level Sworn Law Enforcement Personnel | Rescinded | 9/22/22 |
2.20 | Occupational Qualifications, Medical Examinations, Physical Fitness Evaluations, and Psychological Evaluations for Entry-Level Law enforcement Personnel | Rescinded | 9/2/22 |
2.21 | Probationary Period for Entry-Level Law Enforcement Personnel | Rescinded | 9/2/22 |
2.22 | The Promotional Selection/Examination Process for Corporal, Sergeant, and Lieutenant Job Classifications | 01/8/19 | |
2.23 | Administrative Practices and Procedures concerning the Promotional Section/ Examination Process for Law Enforcement Personnel | Rescinded | 8/25/17 |
2.25 | Informal Compensatory Time for Exempt Personnel | 07/25/22 | |
2.26 | Employee Recognition and Appreciation | 04/15/19 | |
2.27 | Advanced Step Placement for Entry-Level Law Enforcement Personnel Upon Appointment | 04/18/02 | |
2.28 | Wage Structure for Seasonal, Temporary, Emergency, and Part-Time Permanent Positions | View | 01/1/25 |
2.29 | Professional Standards/Requirements for the Selection of Police Communications Personnel | 11/30/17 | |
2.30 | Salary Management Practices/Pay Adjustments | 02/19/13 | |
2.31 | Acknowledgement & Release Forms/Pre-Employment Drug Testing Consent Forms | Rescinded | 7/11/22 |
2.32 | Recruitment & Selection Process for Seasonal/Temporary Personnel | 07/29/13 | |
2.33 | Employment References | 11/01/93 | |
2.35 | Drug-Free Workplace | 10/10/03 | |
2.36 | Consumption of Alcohol by City Employees | 06/08/01 | |
2.37 | Use of Prescription and “Over-the-Counter” Medication By City Employees | 06/09/08 | |
2.38 | Employee Drug & Alcohol Testing Program | 06/04/13 | |
2.39 | Employee Assistance Program | 06/24/22 | |
2.40 | Pre-Employment Drug Testing Program | 03/27/07 | |
2.41 | Student Intern Program | 01/01/23 | |
2.42 | Residency requirement for Public Safety Personnel | 04/18/02 | |
2.43 | Work Schedule Management for Non-Exempt Non-Union Employees | 2/8/18 | |
2.45 | Classification Plan | 07/12/95 | |
2.46 | Restrictions on Usage of Leave When Insufficient Leave Balances Exist | Rescinded | 7/11/22 |
2.47 | Restrictions on Usage of Leave When Insufficient Leave Balances Exist | Rescinded | 6/22/22 |
2.48 | Delegation of Authority – Approval of Personnel Action Forms | Rescinded | 6/22/22 |
2.49 | Disrespectful or Malicious Conduct/Behavior in the Workplace | 05/29/02 | |
2.50 | Pre-employment Driving Record Checks | 08/01/13 | |
2.51 | Post-employment Driving Record Checks | 08/01/13 | |
2.52 | New Hire Recruitment/Selection Process for Full-Time Permanent Positions within the Maintenance Worker, Sign Worker, Auto Mechanic I, and Custodial Worker Classification | 08/01/13 | |
2.54 | Advanced Step Placement for Entry Level Law Enforcement Personnel (Communications Technicians) upon Appointment | 04/18/02 | |
2.55 | Leave Donation Program | 08/09/22 | |
2.56 | Delayed Start Times/Cancellations During Major Snow/Ice Events | 2/15/19 | |
2.57 | Human Resource Director’s Role and Authority in Determining Equitable Starting Rates of Pay | 12/29/99 | |
2.58 | Policy Regarding Travel Time Compensation for Non-Exempt Personnel | 12/20/16 | |
2.60 | Family and Medical Leave | 07/01/09 | |
2.61 | Procedure for Authorizing Employees to Work Out of Assigned Classification | Rescinded | 7/11/22 |
2.62 | Standard New Hire Recruitment/Selection Process/Procedures for Full-Time and Part-Time Non-Union Permanent Positions | 11/04/16 | |
2.63 | Intellectual Property | 11/05/01 | |
2.64 | Job Evaluation System/Job Reclassification Process | 12/20/11 | |
2.66 | Discrimination Policy | 12/11/15 | |
2.67 | City Identification Cards | 08/30/12 | |
2.70 | Health Savings Account Advance Contributions Request | 06/24/22 | |
2.71 | Tuition Reimbursement Program Processing Procedures | 02/10/22 | |
2.72 | Jury Duty & Guidelines for Court Appearances | 01/10/22 | |
2.73 | Transgender Use of Restroom, Locker Room, Shower Policy | 07/28/22 | |
2.74 | Lactation Policy | 07/14/22 | |
2.75 | “On-Duty” Pay for Non-Union Personnel | 01/1/19 | |
2.76 | Diversity Equity and Inclusion (DEI) | 7/28/21 | |
2.77 | Establishment of the City Employee DEI Committee (CEDEIC) | 5/01/21 | |
AO | Subject | Status | Date |
3.1 | Safety Apparel and Personal Protective Equipment | 08/12/21 | |
3.2 | Accident/Damage Reports and Committee | 12/05/14 | |
3.3 | Accident/Injury Reports/Exposure Records | 02/11/14 | |
3.4 | Firearms and Weapons Policy Concerning Dublin Public Facilities | 11/01/93 | |
3.5 | Insurance Requirements for Contractors, Consultants (professional services), Event Sponsors and Co-Sponsors, and Volunteer Organizations | 01/03/02 | |
3.6 | City of Dublin Safety and Health Program | 08/12/21 | |
3.7 | Department of Transportation Drug and Alcohol Testing | 08/01/01 | |
3.8 | Temporary Modified Work Assignments | 08/12/21 | |
3.9 | Personal Property in the Work Place | View | 12/1/23 |
3.10 | Workplace Violence Policy | 10/6/22 | |
3.11 | Third Party Liability Claim Reporting Procedures | 06/22/22 | |
3.12 | Policy/Procedure for Managing Employee Exposure to Tuberculosis | 10/25/00 | |
3.13 | Policy Regarding the Presence of Animals within City Owned/Leased Buildings/Facilities | 10/02/01 | |
3.15 | Policy Governing the Operation of City Vehicles | 10/6/22 | |
3.16 | Nicotine Testing Program | 06/24/22 | |
AO | Subject | Status | Date |
4.1 | Prevailing Wage Requirements 4.1 | 08/22/22 | |
4.2 | Standard Professional Services Contract | 11/01/93 | |
4.3 | Purchasing Preference for Soil Amendments Derived from Recycled Yard Waste | 11/01/93 | |
4.4 | Purchasing Preference for Products Derived from Recycled Material | 08/21/95 | |
4.5 | Year 2000 Readiness Contractual Provisions | Rescinded | 6/22/22 |
4.6 | Purchasing Guidelines for Obtaining Quotes for Goods and Services | 05/01/06 | |
AO | Subject | Status | Date |
5.1 | Mileage Reimbursement/Liability for Using Personal Vehicle while Conducting City Business | 06/01/98 | |
5.2 | Regulations Governing Travel Expenses | 01/01/23 | |
5.3 | Cost of Cutting and Removing Weeds | Rescinded | 6/22/22 |
5.4 | Employer Provided Vehicles | 08/23/22 | |
5.5 | Policy and Procedures Regarding Fixed Assets | 12/21/14 | |
5.6 | Office and Mobile Telephone Usage | Rescinded | 6/17/20 |
5.7 | Fee for Reproduction of City Documents | Rescinded | 6/22/22 |
5.8 | Fee for City Street Maps | Rescinded | 6/22/22 |
5.9 | Cost of Community Plan Books and Zoning Code Books | Rescinded | 6/22/22 |
5.11 | Personal Use of Copiers and Fax Machines | Rescinded | 6/22/22 |
5.12 | Policy & Fee Schedule Governing the Rental of City Equipment for Special Events and Fees for Related City Services | Rescinded | 6/22/22 |
5.13 | Recording and Approving Employee Time | 8/22/22 | |
5.14 | Payment Card Handling: PCI Compliance Policy | 6/18/10 | |
5.15 | H.B. 66 – Ohio Auditor of State’s Fraud Reporting System | Rescinded | 6/22/22 |
AO | Subject | Status | Date |
6.1 | Policy Concerning the Wearing of “Body Armor” | Rescinded | 6/17/20 |
6.2 | Designation of Acting Chief of Police in the Absence or Disability of the Chief of Police | View | 10/2/23 |
6.4 | Regulation of Gasoline Pricing | Rescinded | 6/17/20 |
6.5 | Administrative Order 6.4 Regarding Regulation of Gasoline Pricing | Rescinded | 6/17/20 |
AO | Subject | Status | Date |
7.1 | Policy Governing the Service and Care of City-Owned Vehicles | View | 07/26/23 |
7.2 | Enforcement of Chapter 921 of the Codified Ordinances Of the City of Dublin | Rescinded | 6/22/22 |
7.3 | Inspection of Occupied Residential Dwelling by City Inspection Personnel | 06/24/22 | |
7.4 | Policy Governing Work Orders for the Placement of Traffic Control Devices | 06/24/22 | |
7.5 | Code Enforcement Officers | 06/24/22 | |
AO | Subject | Status | Date |
8.1 | Home Occupation Permits | Rescinded | 6/17/20 |
8.2 | Appointment of Housing Officer for Community Reinvestment Area | Rescinded | 6/17/20 |
8.3 | Regulations Governing the Issuance of Licenses to Operate Amusement Devices | Rescinded | 6/17/20 |
8.4 | Community Plan Maintenance and Amendment Policy | 09/10/13 | |
8.5 | Code Compliance Procedure | 06/24/22 |
AO | Subject | Status | Date |
9.1 | Information Security | 3/29/23 | |
9.2 | Technology Use | View | 1/23/23 |
9.3 | Data Classification and Protection Policy | 1/23/23 | |
9.5 | Incident Management (Under Development) |
In order to support faster response and better tracking of requests, the City of Dublin uses JustFOIA to collect, respond to and manage public information requests.
JustFOIA is a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) online application that helps streamline the open records request process for the community and improve efficiencies in getting requested information quickly and accurately.
The application lets community members submit requests for all city records, including police reports. Commonly requested information includes accident reports, copies of resolutions and body-camera video.
We are and always have been a proud local democracy. In our service, we strive to provide the best quality of life and environment in which our residents and businesses can thrive. We seek to ally our proud traditions with the best innovations of the future.
Dublin, Ohio, is the most sustainable, connected and resilient global city of choice.
Integrity, Respect, Communication, Teamwork, Accountability, Positive Attitude & Dedication to Service.
The City of Dublin operates under a set of seven key core values: integrity, respect, communication, teamwork, accountability, positive attitude and dedication to service. Staff members use these seven values as the basis for daily decision-making, including the decisions that go into the budget process.
We are members of an organization that succeeds because of teamwork, dedication, diversity and the innovative spirit of all of our members. Together, we build a culture of trust, service, mutual respect, inclusion and open communication. We hold ourselves mutually accountable to promote and sustain continuous learning and to develop the learning potential that exists in every member of our team.
The complete Dublin City Code is available online at American Legal City Ordinance website. Information staff at the Dublin branch of the Columbus Metropolitan Library are available to help navigate this website.
This Revised Charter, as adopted on March 19, 1996, became effective on July 4, 1996.
The Zoning Code for Dublin is Chapter 153 of the Dublin Code of Ordinances. The Zoning Code sets land development requirements and establishes different uses within individual districts. Zoning regulations address the physical development of a site, such as building height, lot requirements, setbacks from lot lines, minimum numbers of parking spaces, sign types and sizes, and other related regulations.
City Hall
5555 Perimeter Dr.
Dublin, Ohio 43017
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5555 Perimeter Drive
Dublin, Ohio, 43017
Mon – Fri: 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.