The City of Dublin is currently in the design phase of the Franklin Street Improvement project. This project would see the reconstruction of Franklin Street from Sells Alley to Waterford Drive. Potential improvements may include sidewalks, street trees and utility burial.
The second public information meeting for the project was held on Wednesday, April 20, 2022, at the Dublin City Council Chambers. The presentation and comment card can be found below.
The current design alternatives for Franklin Street include items consistent with the Historic Dublin area standards and City Code. These alternates include; sidewalk widths, sidewalk materials, roadway dimensions, on-street parking and tree lawn sizes. The proposed designs are a compilation of the; neighborhood survey shared with the City taken in October 2021, comments received during the first public meeting in December 2021, results of the City survey sent to Franklin Street residents in December 2021 and City Council’s comments from Feb. 14, 2022.
In conjunction with the Franklin Street Improvements Project, design is nearing completion on the South High Street Utility Burial Project, which buries all aerial (overhead) utilities along Franklin Street, Mill Lane and South High Street. City staff will share the next steps and planned schedule for the burial project during this meeting. Several modifications to the utility burial design were made based on resident feedback at the first Franklin Street public meeting held in December 2021.
This page will continue to be updated as new information becomes available, including details of public meetings.
Comment Form – Franklin Street Improvements
*Please note for the Comment Form that the name and address fields must be filled out.
Franklin Street Materials
- Dec. 1, 2021 Franklin Street Improvements Presentation
- Dec. 2021 Resident Letter and Survey
- Jan. 25, 2022 Memo
- Feb. 14, 2022 City Council Meeting
- April 20, 2022 Franklin St. Improvements Public Meeting Presentation
- Franklin Street FAQs
- Option 1 – Utilities
- Option 2 – Utilities
- City of Dublin Memo and Staff Summary – April 20, 2022 Public Meeting
- Letter Notification of Council Presentation for June 13, 2022
Questions? Please Ken Richardson at 614.410.4631 or e-mail
Brian Gable at 614.410.4641 or