Planning Division Fees: 2022 Fees
The City of Dublin Planning Division accepts applications for zoning approvals required by the Planning & Zoning Commission, Architectural Review Board, Board of Zoning Appeals, and the Administrative Review Team.
All Planning Division applications and permits are processed online via the Accela Citizens’ Access (ACA) Portal and ProjectDox, please follow the following steps to submit an application or permit with the Planning Division:
Planning Application Submittal Process
- Please contact the Planning Division at 614.410.4600 to schedule a pre-application meeting. The Planning Division can assist in identifying the necessary application type and understanding the submittal requirements.
- Review the application content checklist based on application type. All application content checklists are located below on this page (please click orange title links).
- Register an account and apply for a Planning Application through the ACA Portal website, a link to the website and step-by-step guide are provided below:
- Upload all documents and drawings to ProjectDox. Once the application is submittal through the ACA Portal website you will receive an email from ProjectDox which is the platform used for plan review. Please use the link and guide provided below:
- Pay for application fee through your ACA Portal account. To pay the application fee, visit the Record’s page, click ‘Fees’ under the ‘Payments’ tab and then click the ‘Pay Fees’ link.
- All the steps must be complete in full prior to the Planning Division conducting a preliminary completeness review. If an application is complete, it will be accepted and assigned to a Planner. If an application is incomplete, it will be returned with a list of items necessary to complete the submittal. Application reviews begin once the application is accepted as complete.
Application Content Checklists
Planning and Zoning Commission (PZC)
The Planning & Zoning Commission reviews all applications for Planned Unit Development Districts (PUD), Bridge Street District (BSD), Conditional Uses, Preliminary & Final plat, and provides a recommendation to City Council for Rezoning Applications. The Commission typically meets on two Thursday’s each month at 6:30 p.m. unless otherwise advertised.
Please contact Nichole Martin, AICP, Senior Planner at 614.410.4635 or with any questions regarding the Planning & Zoning Commission procedures or application requirements.
Current PZC Applications | PZC Meeting Schedule
Planned Unit Development District (PUD) Process
PUD Concept Plan
The Concept Plan is often the first step of the Planned Unit Development District approval process. Concept Plans allow the Planning and Zoning Commission to discuss the general concept of the proposed development with the applicant and determine whether the proposed development is appropriate for the site, consistent with the Community Plan, and worthy of moving forward through the Planned Unit Development District approval process. Concept Plans are not required or legally binding.
PUD Rezoning/Preliminary Development Plan
The Rezoning/Preliminary Development Plan is the first formal step in the Planned Unit Development District approval process. Approval of the Preliminary Development Plan establishes the permitted uses, density, development requirements, and general layout of the site.
PUD Final Development Plan
The Final Development Plan is the final step in the Planned Unit Development District approval process and requires the highest level of detail and plan refinement. The Planning and Zoning Commission determines if the proposal is consistent with the approved Preliminary Development Plan and is ready to proceed to building permitting.
PUD Amended Final Development Plan
Amended Final Development Plan applications are required for revisions to approved Final Development Plans to determine if the proposed modification is consistent with the approved Preliminary Development Plan.
BSD Development Review Process
BSD Concept Plan
The purpose of the Concept Plan (CP) is to provide a general outline of the scope, character, and nature of the proposed development that is consistent with the policy direction of the Community Plan and the BSD Special Area Plan, the requirements of the BSD Code, other related policy and regulatory documents, and the review criteria, and to consider the proposal within the context of existing and planned development within the vicinity of the project.
BSD Preliminary Development Plan
The purpose of the Preliminary Development Plan (PDP) is to establish a framework for the proposed development located in the Bridge Street District that is consistent with the requirements of the Community Plan, BSD Special Area Plan, BSD Code, and BSD Design Guidelines, other adopted plans, policies, and regulations, and the review criteria.
BSD Final Development Plan
The purpose of the Final Development Plan (FDP) is to confirm compliance with the PDP, all requirements of the BSD Code, Community Plan, BSD Special Area Plan, BSD Design Guidelines, and other adopted plans, policies and regulations, and the review criteria.
BSD Amended Final Development Plan
Amended Final Development Plan applications are required for revisions to approved final development plans.
BSD Waiver Review
Waiver Reviews are a process to allow deviations from specific code requirements that may only be granted by the Planning and Zoning Commission. A request for a deviation from a requirement of sections 153.059-153.066, which do not otherwise qualify for an Administrative Departure.
BSD Master Sign Plan
Master Sign Plans are intended to allow for one-of-a-kind, whimsical, unique signs that employ the highest quality materials and construction while allowing flexibility to deviate from the standards of the Bridge Street District Design Guidelines. MSPs are not intended to allow for a greater number of signs without consideration for unique sign design and display.
Additional Planning & Zoning Commission Applications
Standard District Rezoning Review Process
Informal Review
An Informal Review provides the opportunity for feedback at the formative stage of a project allowing the Planning and Zoning Commission to provide non-binding feedback to an applicant regarding the proposal.
Conditional Use
Uses requiring Conditional Use review have potentially greater affects on their surroundings than permitted uses and require additional scrutiny to ensure that the use id appropriate for the location. A Certificate of Zoning Plan Approval must be obtained for the property within one year of the Conditional Use approval.
Standard District Rezoning
Rezoning changes the zoning classification of a property, which may include different permitted and conditional uses, and development standards. Standard District Rezoning requires review and recommendation by the Planning and Zoning Commission and two readings by City Council. The Planning and Zoning Commission makes a recommendation to City Council on Standard District Rezoning applications.
Preliminary & Final Plat Applications
Plat Review Process
Preliminary Plat
The Preliminary Plat application is the first step in creating a subdivision, involving the preliminary placement of development lots, public streets, and other associated facilities. The Planning and Zoning Commission makes recommendations to City Council on Preliminary Plat applications.
Final Plat
The Final Plat application is a refinement of the Preliminary Plat and presents the final configuration of lots within a subdivision and/or finalizes the placement of public streets and utilities. The Planning and Zoning Commission makes recommendations to City Council on Final Plat applications.
Board of Zoning Appeals (BZA)
The Board of Zoning Appeals must review all applications for Variance requests, Administrative Appeals for zoning or building decisions issued by the City and Special Permits for certain other activities. The Board generally holds a meeting the fourth Thursday of each month at 6:30 p.m., unless otherwise advertised.
Please contact Tammy Noble, Senior Planner at 614.410.4649 or with any questions regarding the Board of Zoning Appeals procedures or to discuss potential applications requiring Board of Zoning Appeals review.
Current BZA Applications | BZA Meeting Schedule
BZA Application Requirements
Non-Use (Area) Variance
Applicants may request a Non-Use (Area) Variance when there are practical difficulties preventing a property owner from conforming with the zoning code on items such as setbacks, height, or other similar requirements. Variances may only be approved after the Board of Zoning Appeals finds that conditions unique to the property result in a practical difficulty in meeting the requirements of the Code.
Use Variance
Applicants may request a Use Variance when there are unnecessary hardships preventing a property owner from conforming with the zoning code on items such as setbacks, height, or other similar requirements. Variances may only be approved after the Board of Zoning Appeals finds that conditions unique to the property result in a practical difficulty in meeting the requirements of the Code.
Special Permit
Due to unique characteristics relative to location, design, size, operation, traffic circulation, or need for public services, several specific uses outlined in the Zoning Code require a Special Permit. The Board of Zoning Appeals is responsible for reviewing and approving these permits to ensure that the use is appropriate for the proposed location.
Administrative Appeal
An appeal may be taken from any person or any governmental department affected or aggrieved, and review any order, requirement, decision or determination where it is alleged by the appellant that there is error or misinterpretation in any order, requirement, decision, grant or refusal made by an administrative official or body charged with the enforcement and administration of the Zoning Code.
Stream Corridor Appeal
Applicants may request an appeal related to decisions made related to activities within a Stream Corridor Protection Zone. This would include prohibited uses and facilities, or modifications of non-conforming structures. Determinations by the BZA are binding and may include conditions and/or safeguards for such activities.
Building Construction Appeal
An appeal may be taken from any person related to residential dwellings, the Property Maintenance Code or contractor’s registration, where it is alleged that there is error or misinterpretation of these codes. Determinations of the BZA are binding.
Architectural Review Board (ARB)
The Architectural Review Board reviews modifications to any site or structure within the limits of the Historic District in addition to any outlying historic properties identified in Appendix G of the Zoning Code. Modifications under the purview of the ARB include commercial and residential plans to construct, alter, demolish, or change the exterior of any structure (windows, doors, siding, roofing, exterior paint colors, etc.). Site improvements such as fences, patios, parking, commercial landscaping, and signs also require ARB review and approval. The Board typically meets on the fourth Wednesday of each month at 6:30 p.m., unless otherwise advertised.
For modifications within the Historic District, please contact Sarah Holt, AICP, Senior Planner, at 614.410.4662 or or Taylor Mullinax, Planner I, at 614.410.4632 or
Current ARB Applications | ARB Meeting Schedule
Architectural Review Board (ARB)
ARB Informal Checklist
An Informal Review provides the opportunity for feedback at the formative stage of a project allowing the Architectural Review Board to provide non-binding feedback to an applicant regarding the proposal of a Concept Plan (CP), to inform the preparation and subsequent review of the CP.
ARB Concept Plan checklist
The purpose of the Concept Plan (CP) is to provide a general outline of the scope, character, and nature of the proposed development that is consistent with the policy direction of the Historic District Code, Community Plan, other related policy and regulatory documents, the review criteria, and to consider the proposal within the context of existing and planned development within the vicinity of the project.
ARB Preliminary Development Plan
The purpose of the Preliminary Development Plan (PDP) is to establish a framework for the proposed development located in the Historic District that is consistent with the requirements of the Historic District Code, Community Plan, Historic Design Guidelines, other adopted plans, policies, and regulations, and the review criteria.
ARB Final Development Plan
The purpose of the Final Development Plan (FDP) is to confirm compliance with the Preliminary Development Plan (PDP), all requirements of the Historic District Code, Community Plan, Historic Design Guidelines, and other adopted plans, policies and regulations, and the review criteria.
Additional Architectural Review Board Applications
Historic District – Minor Project Review Process
ARB Minor Project Review
The purpose of the Minor Project Review is to provide an efficient review process for qualified projects located within the Historic District. The Minor Project Review is necessary to ensure that applications meet the requirements of Chapter 153 of the Dublin Code of Ordinances.
ARB Master Sign Plan
Master Sign Plans are intended to allow for one-of-a-kind, whimsical, unique signs that employ the highest quality materials and construction while allowing flexibility to deviate from the standards of the Historic District Design Guidelines. MSPs are not intended to allow for a greater number of signs without consideration for unique sign design and display.
ARB Waiver Review
Waiver Reviews are a process to allow deviations from specific code requirements that may be granted by the Architectural Review Board. A request for a deviation from a requirement of sections 153.172C through 153.174, which do not otherwise qualify for an Administrative Departure; or a request for determination of a contributing versus non-contributing structure.
ARB Demolition (Contributing)
If the property that is to be demolished is categorized as a contributing building per a determination of the ARB using the City of Dublin Historical and Cultural Assessment the property owner or applicant shall demonstrate by credible evidence that the property owner will suffer economic hardship if the request to demolish is not granted. In determining whether the property owner has demonstrated economic hardship the Board shall consider the factors established in Section 153.176(J)(5)(a).
ARB Demolition (Non-Contributing)
If the property that is to be demolished is categorized as a non-contributing building per a determination of the ARB using the City of Dublin Historical and Cultural Assessment the property owner or applicant shall demonstrate one of the criteria outline in Section 153.013(J)(5)(b).
Administrative Review Team (ART)
The Administrative Review Team is the reviewing body for certain application types in the Bridge Street District (BSD), the West Innovation District (WID), and for Wireless Communication Facilities. The ART is comprised of staff designees from various City departments. The team generally holds a meeting the second Thursday of each month at 2:00 p.m., unless otherwise advertised.
For ART development application inquiries, please contact Chris Will, AICP, Planner II at 614.410.4498 or
Current ART Applications | ART Meeting Schedule
West Innovation District (WID)
West Innovation District Review Process
ART WID Development Plan Review
The WID Development Plan is required prior to beginning construction on all or any portion of a property within the West Innovation District. This review is also required for modifications of an approved development within the West Innovation District. Applications that meet all the requirements of the Innovation Districts are reviewed by the Administrative Review Team
Bridge Street District (BSD)
ART Bridge Street District – Minor Project Review Process
ART BSD Minor Project Review
The purpose of the Minor Project Review is to provide an efficient review process for qualified projects located within the Historic District. The Minor Project Review is necessary to ensure that applications meet the requirements of Chapter 153 of the Dublin Code of Ordinances.
Minor Subdivision/Lot Split
ART Minor Subdivision/Lot Split
Minor Subdivisions include lot line adjustments and/or splitting single parcels into not more than five parcels, each meeting applicable zoning district regulations. Subdivisions involving dedication of right-of-way for new public infrastructure and/or establishing more than two parcels, sites or lots shall be required to obtain Preliminary and Final Plat approval in accordance with the Subdivision regulations of Chapter 152 of the Dublin Code of Ordinances.
Wireless Communication Facilities
ART Wireless Communication Facility
Wireless Communication Facilities are subject to review under the requirements of Chapter 99 of the Dublin Codified Ordinances. Temporary Facilities, Co-locations, and Alternative Structures are reviewed by the Administrative Review Team utilizing the application listed above. New Towers are subject to Conditional Use review, see above, and are reviewed by the Planning and Zoning Commission or Architectural Review Board. For application inquiries regarding Wireless Communications Facilities, please contact Mike Kettler, Planning Technician at (614) 410-4650 or