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Forever Dublin: ‘Am I a Senior?’

Growing older. Reaching a certain age. Being a senior. These phrases might come with a hint of denial or indifference. So, what can serve as a solution to ensuring that older adults in a community receive the dedicated support they need and deserve without feeling isolated during the process? Read more about how Forever Dublin […]

City Council Approves Economic Development Agreement to Bring Leading Animal Nutrition Manufacturer to Dublin

(Dublin, OH) Dublin City Council has approved an economic development agreement (EDA) with Kalmbach Feeds, Inc., a leader in animal food nutrition and feed manufacturing. Established in 1963, Kalmbach Feeds is a family-owned and operated business with its main headquarters in Upper Sandusky, Ohio. Kalmbach Feeds utilizes cutting-edge technology and proprietary processes to deliver safe, […]

City Council Approves Economic Development Agreement to Support Expansion of Manufacturing Lab in Dublin

(Dublin, OH) Dublin City Council has approved an economic development agreement with INEOS Composites, a manufacturer and seller of a broad range of general-purpose and high- performance grades of unsaturated polyester and vinyl ester resins, gelcoats and low-profile additives for the plastics industry. Comprising 36 individual businesses, INEOS operates 194 facilities in 29 countries throughout […]

City Council Approves Economic Development Agreement to Keep Fast-growing Healthcare IT Company in Dublin

(Dublin, OH) Dublin City Council has approved an economic development agreement with Nymbl Systems, a healthcare software as a service (SaaS) company specializing in helping practitioners in the orthotics and prosthetics industries to schedule appointments, keep patient records, and bill out claims. Nymbl began onboarding clients in March 2018 and now has more than 200 […]

City of Dublin Receives $340,000 State Grant for Critical Water Infrastructure Upgrade

(Dublin, OH) The City of Dublin has received a $340,000 grant from the State of Ohio to fund a waterline replacement project. The grant comes from Ohio Governor Mike DeWine’s Ohio BUILDS (Broadband, Utilities, and Infrastructure for Local Development Success) program. Grant money will support the City’s Waterline Replacement – Phase VII project, which will […]

Dublin Community Recreation Center Introduces Respawn: Esports Lounge and Programming

Calling all gamers, the Dublin Community Recreation Center is excited to introduce its esports programming! As the first open-use esports center in Dublin, the new Respawn lounge will be a place for drop-in play, tournaments and STEAM learning. The mission of this initiative is to provide new collaborative programs and services for growth, beginning with STEAM […]

Remembering Jennifer Readler

The City of Dublin is deeply saddened by the untimely passing of Law Director Jennifer Readler. Readler, 51, died July 22 after suffering complications from a fall. For 24 years, she was a dedicated employee representing the City in all facets of municipal law. During her tenure, Readler played a vital role in every major […]

For the Second Consecutive Year, City of Dublin Earns Rare ‘Triple Crown’ Award

(Dublin, OH) For the second year in a row, the City of Dublin earned the Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada (GFOA) Triple Crown Award which recognizes governments that have received GFOA’s Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting, Popular Annual Financial Reporting Award and the Distinguished Budget Presentation Award […]

City of Dublin Now Powered 100% by Renewable Energy

The City of Dublin has partnered with Dublin-based company IGS Energy on our latest sustainability initiative. All City buildings, streetlights and electric vehicle power stations now run on 100% renewable energy across all electrical counts. This partnership is an exciting step toward carbon neutrality and helps limit environmental pollution, which can improve overall health and […]

The Abbey Theater of Dublin Sheds Light on Student Writers at the Otterbein Playwrights Collective

The Abbey Theater of Dublin will produce two scripts written by Otterbein University students for the theater’s third annual Otterbein Playwrights Collective. Performances will be held in person on June 30-July 1 at 7 p.m. and July 2 at 2 p.m. This is the third annual summer collaboration between Otterbein and the Abbey Theater. This year’s collective […]

City of Dublin Recognized for Exceptional Financial Reporting

(Dublin, Ohio) — The Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) honored the City of Dublin with its Award for Outstanding Achievement in Popular Annual Financial Reporting (PAFR Award) for the City’s Popular Annual Financial Report for the fiscal year ending Dec. 31, 2021. The PAFR Award honors state and local governments that extract information from their annual comprehensive […]

City Council Approves Economic Development Agreement to Bring Expanding Healthcare Manufacturer to Dublin

(Dublin, OH) Dublin City Council has approved an economic development agreement with React Health, a manufacturer and distributor of respiratory management, sleep therapy and equipment disinfection products. Founded in 2010, React Health has steadily grown its portfolio through strategic acquisitions and product development, resulting in its ascension to the top of the respiratory industry. The […]

2023 Beautify Your Neighborhood Grants Announced

(Dublin, OH) Dublin City Council approved the two applications submitted for Spring 2023 Beautify Your Neighborhood Grants. The grant applications were first reviewed by the City’s Community Development Committee, which recommended approval. The Beautify Your Neighborhood Matching Grant Program was established in 2011 to provide funding assistance on an annual basis to support Dublin Homeowners […]

Dublin Earns 8 Central Ohio PRSA Awards

(Dublin, Ohio) — The City of Dublin’s Communication & Public Information division and Visit Dublin Ohio collectively won eight PRism Awards from the Central Ohio Public Relations Society of America (PRSA) at its awards ceremony May 18. Top corporations, agencies, nonprofit associations, colleges and other organizations across Central Ohio compete annually for the PRism Awards, […]

City of Dublin Partners with Automotus to Implement Curbside Management Analytics

Dublin, Ohio – The City of Dublin has launched a new initiative to evaluate curbside parking utilization for the purpose of informing the City’s Curbside Management Plan. The City is partnering with Automotus, a leading curb management company, to gather real-time data on curbside activity for the Longshore Street Corridor, in the City’s Bridge Park […]

New Members of the City of Dublin’s Boards, Commissions and Committees Are Sworn Into Service

As part of a proud local democracy, the City of Dublin’s City Council appoints community volunteers to serve as members of the City’s various boards, commissions, committees and task forces. These volunteer groups are a large portion of the support system for the City government. All of the City’s boards, commissions and committees play a […]

Dublin Council Member John Reiner Appointed President of the State of Ohio Landscape Architects Board

(Dublin, OH) Dublin City Council Member John Reiner was appointed president of the Ohio Landscape Architects Board. Reiner serves as Ward 3 Representative on the Dublin City Council. The Ohio Landscape Architects Board was created in 1965 to protect the citizens of Ohio through the licensing of landscape architects. The Board ensures that each landscape architect […]

Muirfield Greenway Corridor Tree Planting

Parks and Recreation will begin the Muirfield Greenway Corridor Program in April along Muirfield and Avery-Muirfield Drive in the Avery-Muirfield/Indian Run Meadows neighborhood. The process involves removing 84 dead and decaying trees for the safety of our residents. The city plans to plant 124 new trees and shrubs. City Council adopted this program to ensure […]

Council Member Christine Amorose Groomes Appointed to National League of Cities/ Information Technology and Communications Committee

(Dublin, OH) Dublin City Council Member Christine Amorose Groomes, of Dublin, Ohio, was appointed to the National League of Cities (NLC) 2023 Information Technology and Communications federal advocacy committee. She was elected to a one-year term and will provide strategic direction and guidance for the NLC’s federal advocacy agenda and policy priorities on broadband infrastructure, […]

Dublin Connector Eases the Commute to Work

Benjamin Trotter works at Dublin’s Giant Eagle on Perimeter Loop five days a week. Currently, Benji does not yet have his license, so getting to his job was a difficult process, leaving him at the liberty of his parents to drive him to his workplace. Today, Benji uses the Dublin Connector on his daily commute […]

Kosciuszko Park Tree to be Repurposed

An Oak tree in Thaddeus Kosciuszko Park near the south section of the walking path has been declining in health for the past several years. The tree has several large limbs that are dead and decaying, which presents a potential hazard. The City of Dublin’s Horticulture staff is working with a certified arborist to remove […]

Renewable Energy Equipment – Solar

On June 12, Dublin City Council voted to adopt revised zoning code regulations surrounding the use of renewable energy equipment for solar, including rules regarding location, materials and aesthetics for installation on residential and non-residential properties. The revised code is here:  2023 Renewable Energy Equipment Solar Code. The City’s renewable energy equipment (solar) regulations promote […]

Dublin Launching Styrofoam Recycling Program

(Dublin, Ohio) — The City of Dublin is launching a Styrofoam recycling program in partnership with the City of Hilliard starting Thursday, Sept. 15. This new program will help keep unwanted Styrofoam out of the landfill while also increasing Dublin’s diversion rate. Dublin community members can now recycle Styrofoam at the 24/7 drop-off site located […]

EASE Logistics Revitalizes Landmark Building in Dublin for New Global Headquarters

Columbus, Ohio— EASE Logistics, a multi-operational supply chain and transportation solutions provider, has announced plans to expand its operations by restoring a local landmark building in Dublin, Ohio, for its new global headquarters. The company will invest more than $25 million for real estate, repairs and sustainability measures, in addition to $7 million in payroll […]

Dublin Ranks No. 3 in the Nation for Green Fleets

(Dublin, Ohio) — The City of Dublin has earned the No. 3 ranking on the 100 Best Green Fleets list in the 2022 National Fleet Management Association Awards and was awarded eighth place in the Top 50 Leading Fleets from Government Fleet. This year’s Green Fleet winners were announced at the Sustainable Fleet Technology Conference and […]

Dublin Name Best Suburb for Business

(Dublin, Ohio) — For the 12th year in a row, the readers of Columbus CEO magazine voted the City of Dublin as top choice for “Best Suburb for Business” honors. On behalf of the 4,300 businesses that call Dublin home, the City is honored to receive this recognition of success. Columbus CEO’s Best of Business […]